Tchay said:
The WiiU only has one heatsource, meaning they have actually COMBINED the GPU and CPU. Apparently it took numerous tests to get them optimized together.
Hah, neat. My computer has that too. Yay intel i5~
I have some questions: why do motherboards need shielding? More specifically, on the WiiU, why did they need a shield over the heatsink to "suppress electrical waves from the board." Do they mean the chip underneath would be subject to electrical waves from the board? Can someone elaborate on this?
Interference basically. I'm sure Herma can explain this in more depth than I can. The extent of my knowledge is that things like the disc drive and the inductors and all the components and flax create some sort of interference, and the best way to reduce it so it doesn't *Can'tSayThisOnTV* things up is to use shielding. Also, I know with the Wii they also used the shielding to control the airflow, but that might've been plastic, I dunno.
Now, as far as slimming goes, there's no way for me to tell for sure, but at a first glace you've got an obvious chip at the front and the back, so I'm guessing the wifi and junk is now actually on the board, meaning you'd have to relocate the whole thing which is dumb and annoying. I wouldn't call it close to Wii slimmability, unless you mean chopping off the grounding strips, because there isn't any Wii slimmability yet.
The size of the board, at least from looking at the AV port, looks about the same as the Wii. I don't think there's much point to trimming at all. It's highly unlikely that anyone's going to want to or be able to make a portable with this. The best solution would be an external battery pack, then put it in a bookbag and just use the screen controller thing, yeah? I don't know much about the WiiU because I haven't kept up with it, but that's my thoughts.
I mean, we haven't even done anything interesting as far as making a handheld Wii, and I'd think we'd have to get that out of the way before trying to tackle the WiiU. The father of portablizing started with the Atari, after all.