The site was down


Founder of Modretro
Staff member
Because Hostgator hates us for being too awesome.

Unfortunately, we were forced to suspend the scripts within "/home/palmer/public_html/phpBB3" as they were causing a high load on the server, and due to this affecting all of the other accounts on the system, we forced to take immediate action for the health of the server.

I talked with them a bit, made some changes they suggested, and begged them to let us back up, and they have.


It appears that your modifications were successful. I have removed all restrictions from your account. We will continue to monitor the situation.

Please note that if this account over uses resources again, we may be forced to recommend a VPS or Dedicated solution. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us.

*Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing Hostgator.

Glad we are back up, but they said they removed all restrictions, that means chat could come back, right? But we aren't doing that because it eats up too much bandwidth or somethin, rite?

Yeah, I think we COULD bring back chat... But I am not going to do that just yet. Going to see if they shut us down again without it first.
Why are we still with hostgator again?


I mean... zetaboards. Or something.
Because no way would a free host like Zetaboards let us get away with 5 million page views a month. Our forum would be suspended.

Not to mention, we would lose all kinds of customizations.
Screw that, I'll create my own hosting. With hookers! And blackjack! In fact, forget the hosting!
PalmerTech said:
5 million page views a month.
Dayum. I mean,
SteamDNT said:
You should just switch to FreeForums.
It's safer, Faster, and not as bad as hostgator.
MBB uses FreeForums, it can't handle 5 million views a month, plus Palmer would have to pay for no ads, AND to get the adress to be, it's like an extra $15 a year. So yeah, Hostgator is better. I tried using FreeForums, got 250 people on at once, it crashed for three days. :dah: