The Official Unofficial ModRetro April Fools Contest


ModRetro Legend
I had this idea a while back but it never went anywhere. But now, it's back with a vengence. And on ModRetro. Basically, you have to create a fake product, project, or whatnot. A writeup is nice too, not strictly required. Did I mention there are categories? Oh yes, there are three categories. I'll go over them now, with rules.

Concept Art: Drawings, 3D Models, shoops, or whatnot.
1. You can draw it, do it in 3D, even shoop it for all I care. But it should be a good shoop. If you actually build something and take a picture of it, then it's in the next category, it's not concept art.
2. It can be as 'out there' as you want, but it should look good, not like a piece of garbage from a trash dump.
3. A writeup is not required.
4. Maximum of three entries per person. This is to keep the amount of crappy shoops down to a managable level.

'Real' Stuff: Build some fake crap and pretend it's real.
1. It has to be a physical object. As in, build it and make it look pretty. See above for non-physical objects.
2. You don't have to post more than one picture. You can be liberal with the camera angles, lighting, and such. However, more better pictures will mean more better votes.
3. If it works, or appears to work, regardless of how you do it, then my hat goes off to you. You can shoop a screen image (if applicable) in if you want, but that's about it.
4. A writeup/story is recommended, but you can do without it. Expect booing, though.
5. There is no maximum of entries, yet. This may change, however, if people start spamming junk in.

Videos: A pretty open category here.
1. You can show off whatever you want, or make a fake trailer, announce something, whatever. It's pretty open here.
2. Use whatever you can to make things convincing. Video-photoshopping, greenscreen, animation, whatever.
3. You don't need a writeup, for obvious reasons.
4. Maximum of three entries, to keep spamming down.

General Rules
1. There is a prize of an invisible portable XBOX 360, delivered by an invisible, silent mailman. It's also two atoms in size. Anyone who PM's me asking where their prize is will be visited by a Ninja Death Squad.
2. Your entry should be gaming or at least tech related. Your concept car may be cool, but it does not belong here.
3. Winner will be chosen by popular vote. If there enough entries voting will be done in two rounds.
4. Deadline is April 1st, 2010. You don't have that much time, so get cracking.
5. Rules are subject to change if enough people yell loudly enough, or if someone powerful whispers something in my ear.
6. The aim of this contest is not to trick people into believing something is real. You can try to rickroll Engadget or screw over IGN if you want, but that's not the primary goal of the contest.

The contest starts now! Get cracking, and have fun!
Depends. Does this invisible xbox 360 portable that is two atoms in size have an av-out port? And would it happen to use a 3.5mm jack?
Jidan said:
What can the drawing be of? Anything?

I forgot to put it in the rules. It should be gaming or at least tech related. Fixed the rules by the way.
You're going to feel silly when I announce the ACTUAL April Fools contest next week.
It's only been in planning for over a month.


Aww, we can have two. Besides, I want the microscopic, invisible 360 :)
jleemero said:
You're going to feel silly when I announce the ACTUAL April Fools contest next week.
It's only been in planning for over a month.


XCVG said:
jleemero said:
You're going to feel silly when I announce the ACTUAL April Fools contest next week.
It's only been in planning for over a month.



Just so you know, it's a "specific" kinda contest, nothing really wrong with this one at all, no reason to call it off or anything, it'll be very easy for people to do both.

Twilight Wolf said:
It has? Where have I been?
Where HAVE you been? GOSH
It's an oooooold inside joke that originated from a fake argument between Shockslayer and AfroLH on BH, before MR.
Joined: Wed Nov 18, 2009

That isn't "ooooooold" :p

Anyway, I'll be participating in this thing, just because I'll be bored. This should be fun :)
ShockSlayer said:
J.D said:
It's an oooooold inside joke that originated from a fake argument between Shockslayer and AfroLH on BH, before MR.

It was like, the first time I talked to afro.

Magic was made in that thread.
It was a thread made by a scammer who scammed palmer and so palmer enlisted help and we lulz'd it up.

My God, those portables are monstrously ugly, not that I've made one myself, but still... And $350 is too low for Bibin's N64 box thing? Wow. We are truly on the cusp of the golden era of portablization. What's even more mind blowing is that that was less than one year ago.

Anyway, this contest is still going. And yes, the 360 has AV out, but the adaptor costs $5000.

I've decided there will be a separate entries thread and voting thread when we get to that stage. But discussion should be kept to this thread.
Jewjo said:
ShockSlayer said:
J.D said:
It's an oooooold inside joke that originated from a fake argument between Shockslayer and AfroLH on BH, before MR.

It was like, the first time I talked to afro.

Magic was made in that thread.
It was a thread made by a scammer who scammed palmer and so palmer enlisted help and we lulz'd it up.

My God, those portables are monstrously ugly, not that I've made one myself, but still... And $350 is too low for Bibin's N64 box thing? Wow. We are truly on the cusp of the golden era of portablization. What's even more mind blowing is that that was less than one year ago.

None of those were serious offers, we all were intructed to be ridiculous. XD

