The Oculus Rift


Breaker of Everything
Staff member
I feel this has a few special things about it so that it deserves to be separate from the E3 thread...

For those that don't know yet, one of the big things at E3 this year was a HMD that John Carmack is showing off made by some Luckey nobody that managed to get into his Palmers.

From what I gather it is called the "Rift" and is designed by a startup known as "Oculus"
For its price point, it touts an extremely high FOV: 90 degrees horizontal, and an insane 110 degrees vertical.
It's already being recognized as one of the most immersive consumer HMDs, and hasn't even been released yet.

To top it all of, it's 100% upgradable and customizable, and is extremely open.
Perfect for us, right?

I don't know about you guys, but I'm more excited about this than I have been about anything in years. Like, I was jumping for joy when I got the plastic in the mail to go with my xbox laptop. I was all like "*Can'tSayThisOnTV* YEAH" when the caps for my 360 transplant came in. I couldn't wait to get home when my first project xbox came in the mail. This tops every single one of those feelings. It has pretty much consumed my mind and imagination for the past week or so, and was well on its way before that.

I *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing love companies that embrace modders and gamers alike.

The target price point for this fellow is supposed to be right around $500, with upgraded options available for a bit more.
To do it though, the company needs to have a good few people pre-order it for production of the lenses and stuff to be profitable.
What it all comes down to is:

Kickstarter... Tomorrow.

(Note: actual target date is 6/14)
Totally stealing Palmer's thread here. <3
I hear this company has a Glorious Leader instead of a standard CEO.
Plus sony has started talking with palmer about his HMD tech.

Good for you man, good for you.
Who cares about Sony?

Mother*Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing Gaben is interested. Valve would do much cooler things with this.
I came so close to buying one of the prototypes of this. Like, I had the cash in my hand and everything. (Then I bought 3 guns).

But I know I am excited to see some guy like us hitting the big time. I wonder what his forum is called?
Sam, I almost just looked at the xbox laptop projects and said "*Can'tSayThisOnTV* it" like 9 times already.
I've wanted to build this laptop for years now.