The Jay64 worklog. UPDATE 4/6


Hey guys. I FINALLY got back to work on my N64p (which I pretty much need to completely redo). The name stands for...
God Dangit, Not Another ZN-45 N64p N64p

NEW NAME: J64. Can you guess what it stands for?

I know, I know, it's the most basic N64p I could possibly have done. But if you guys will look at this as an individual's accomplishment and not a member of the ModRetro community's accomplishment (and keep in mind that I'm not trying to revolutionize anything), I think it's impressive to be able to make a N64p. The next one I end up doing will be in a PSOne case.


I have everything I need to finish this EXCEPT for a screen. Soooo, I've been lazy and don't want to start on the electronics part of it until I have everything. So I've been working on the case.

I'll be posting pics as I go, but there will be a bit more detail on the posts later in the thread. :)


Blah blah blah, my fingernail is dirty, get over it - I was dremeling the space for the screen right before that and all the dust...bleh

That's paper underneath that...everything fits where it's supposed to go and I shouldn't have much of a problem bondoing the Heck out of this thing.

The part to the left of where the analog stick will go is for the actual analog stick..(not doing any mods, this is the original stick). I also know the buttons look weird, but it's going to be bondo'd up a bit so that it's just a smooth raise on the side. Don't worry, it'll work :) Also, the screen is lower than it will be. The back of the LCD will be flush with the inside of the case. Save me some room.

The stupid epoxy had less hardener in the tube (not my fault), so it's taking extra long to harden. Tomorrow I should get a significant amount of bondo work done (hopefully).

I bondo'd ALL DAY. I've got about 11 more spots to make perfect and stuff, then I'm going to apply primer. Then I can see what the big flaws are and fill in the little dips and stuff in the bondo. I'm at a standstill, though, because I need primer and Krylon to really get much further.

ALMOST FINISHED with the case! There are some scratches and crap from me being careless, but I've got one more layer of paint and the protection coat left to do. The vent (bottom and top-middle) and speaker (top side) holes are supposed to be kinda off, but not quite as much as they were :lol: I'll be making it more uniform whenever I pick up work on this again (or am not busy with English homework)
Re: The GDNAZN45N64pN64p worklog. Pics...TODAY. 3/11

Yeah, ZN-45 is a good choice. I'm using a ZN-40 and it's kinda tight and will have a HUGE lump on the back.
Re: The GDNAZN45N64pN64p worklog. Pics...TODAY. 3/11

Yeah, I don't think I'd be able to use anything smaller, especially for my first portable (shut up Tchay) :P

The only reason I'm not happy about using the ZN-45 is because it's been labeled as the single most generic mod on this site xD But hey, I can deal with that. I just want a portable N64 :P

EDIT: Oh, I will add: I'm going to be very bored for the next while (hit a wall on guitar, gotta take a break), so this case is going to look good. Which, hopefully, will set it apart from some other ZN-45 portables (not you, Zenloc)
Re: The GDNAZN45N64pN64p worklog. Pics...TODAY. 3/11

ShockSlayer said:
ossim drawings


They really helped when I went to dremel the spaces for the parts of the controller I cut out. I think I only had to go back and adjust the holes once to get all the pieces to fit near perfectly :)
Re: The GDNAZN45N64pN64p worklog. Pics...TODAY. 3/11

If it makes you feel better, when I originally designed my first n64p i made a really flaxty shoop looking thing, and on the first page krepticor said: "gosh that is a very special drawing"



Re: The GDNAZN45N64pN64p worklog. Pics...TODAY. 3/11

Hahah. I will not be embarrassed by my pitiful drawings! Like I said, they helped :P Otherwise I would have been going back and adjusting parts OVER AND OVER AND OVER 9000

EDIT: Wow. That is a VERY special drawing. :)
Re: The GDNAZN45N64pN64p worklog. Pics...TODAY. 3/11

Jidan, I didn't even notice your fingernail was dirty; I was too busy wondering why the heck you just chopped up your case so haphazardly and without any real measurements. I'm sure you'll make it look nice in the end, but haven't you ever heard of the saying "measure twice, cut once"? Good luck on the project, though.
Re: The GDNAZN45N64pN64p worklog. Pics...TODAY. 3/11

Jewjo said:
Jidan, I didn't even notice your fingernail was dirty; I was too busy wondering why the heck you just chopped up your case so haphazardly and without any real measurements. I'm sure you'll make it look nice in the end, but haven't you ever heard of the saying "measure twice, cut once"? Good luck on the project, though.

In the portabilizing world, almost nobody measures. We choose to bondo over our mistakes instead. Except for Hailrazer, who has severe OCD and has to measure everything.
Re: The GDNAZN45N64pN64p worklog. Pics...TODAY. 3/11

XCVG said:
In the portabilizing world, almost nobody measures. We choose to bondo over our mistakes instead. Except for Hailrazer, who has severe OCD and has to measure everything.

EVERYTHING ? :shock:

But here's what I do.

Like say I am going to put in the buttons. I cut the area out of the controller. Then I turn it upside down and lay it on a piece of paper and trace it. Cut it out with scissors. The flip the paper over and position it on the case. Trace it with a pencil. Use dremel with cutting disc to cut our main area. Use dremel with grinding tip to finish it out.

That's why in my later portables you see so little filler/epoxy on top. :wink:
Re: The GDNAZN45N64pN64p worklog. Pics...TODAY. 3/11

Jewjo said:
Jidan, I didn't even notice your fingernail was dirty; I was too busy wondering why the heck you just chopped up your case so haphazardly and without any real measurements. I'm sure you'll make it look nice in the end, but haven't you ever heard of the saying "measure twice, cut once"? Good luck on the project, though.

Jewjo, that wasn't COMPELTELY stupid - I put down my pieces and traced them with the pink marker you see, and then cut. Like I said, I had to go back for recuts ONCE. Every piece fits perfectly, even the screen (which doesn't look like it in the pic, but take my word for it). Once I post more pictures, you'll see - I won't have to use near as much bondo as I was afraid I would have to use :) I know what I'm doing; this isn't the first time I've done stuff like this (well, woodwork may not count, but whatever)
Re: The GDNAZN45N64pN64p worklog. Pics...TODAY. 3/11

I've learned through experience that you need to get as close as possible. Using bondo/epoxy to cover your mistakes is okay, but too much of that and not enough plastic makes your portable heavier and your case weaker.

Re: The GDNAZN45N64pN64p worklog. Pics...TODAY. 3/11

ShockSlayer said:
I've learned through experience that you need to get as close as possible. Using bondo/epoxy to cover your mistakes is okay, but too much of that and not enough plastic makes your portable heavier and your case weaker.


Like I said - the pieces I cut out of the controller fit perfectly in those spaces. Very little bondo needed. I'll post pics later, I didn't really do anything unnecessary like huge pieces of plastic - like I said, I know what I'm doing for the most part :)

The only thing I'm going to be needing bondo for is to make sure the pieces stay in place and stuff, not necessarily for the case itself. I will be making some rises and such to make the portable more comfortable to hold, though.
Re: The GDNAZN45N64pN64p worklog. Pics...TODAY. 3/11


The part to the left of where the analog stick will go is for the actual analog stick..(not doing any mods, this is the original stick). I also know the buttons look weird, but it's going to be bondo'd up a bit so that it's just a smooth raise on the side. Don't worry, it'll work :) Also, the screen is lower than it will be. The back of the LCD will be flush with the inside of the case. Save me some room.
Re: The GDNAZN45N64pN64p worklog. Pics...TODAY. 3/11

Jidan said:

The part to the left of where the analog stick will go is for the actual analog stick..(not doing any mods, this is the original stick). I also know the buttons look weird, but it's going to be bondo'd up a bit so that it's just a smooth raise on the side. Don't worry, it'll work :) Also, the screen is lower than it will be. The back of the LCD will be flush with the inside of the case. Save me some room.
Looking much better with the pieces in place. :)
Re: The GDNAZN45N64pN64p worklog. Pics...TODAY. 3/12

Crappy epoxy work done.

Another day 'til it dries (the tube came with the wrong amounts of the stuff...less hardener...stupid air bubbles.
Re: The GDNAZN45N64pN64p worklog. Pics...TODAY. 3/15

HOpe it actually does dry, epoxy is a chemical reaction. If it does not have enough hardener, it may be forever sticky.
Re: The GDNAZN45N64pN64p worklog. Pics...TODAY. 3/15

Well, if it doesn't harden completely, I wouldn't be all that concerned. It's VERY solid right now, and I can barely move the pieves. The only thing I'm afraid of is the bondo not adhering to the epoxy because it's not solid completely. I did sand it last night so that nothing is higher than where I need to put hopefully that will harden over it and I won't have to worry about it. I'll let you know in about 8 hours :p