The Humble Indie Bundle 2

Reminds me of shareware's heyday, except back then you could at least try a game out for free so you could decide for yourself if it was rubbish or not before paying anything.
I got a link off of /v/ (don't even) for the dl links for someone who did donate, so I have the games and feel like flax! Haven't installed 'em but probably will.
Total revenue: $564,121.71
Number of purchases: 78,113
Average purchase: $7.22
Average Windows: $5.99
Average Mac: $8.14
Average Linux: $13.57

And that's why Linux is better.
AfroLH said:
Total revenue: $564,121.71
Number of purchases: 78,113
Average purchase: $7.22
Average Windows: $5.99
Average Mac: $8.14
Average Linux: $13.57

And that's why Linux is better.
Remember kids! When you get an OS with nothing for nothing, you gotta pay something for something! I kid I kid :trollface.jpg:
AfroLH said:
Total revenue: $564,121.71
Number of purchases: 78,113
Average purchase: $7.22
Average Windows: $5.99
Average Mac: $8.14
Average Linux: $13.57

And that's why Linux users are better.

Fix'd it for you.
I only paid a dollar for this. Didn't feel too bad. But I just got an email this morning saying "Thanks for contributing! We've included the Humble Indie Bundle #1 also! Now you can play both bundles!" Checked my download page. I've got links as well as steam codes for both bundles. Now I feel terrible :(
ToastBucket said:
I only paid a dollar for this. Didn't feel too bad. But I just got an email this morning saying "Thanks for contributing! We've included the Humble Indie Bundle #1 also! Now you can play both bundles!" Checked my download page. I've got links as well as steam codes for both bundles. Now I feel terrible :(
You can add more to your donation at any time, you know. Theres a link on the download page.