The best LAN device ever, TTSGEB's BANBOX


Breaker of Everything
Staff member
BANBOX: Box Area Network [X]BOX

This is four modded xbox consoles all in one case for the ultimate in 2003 LAN party experiences.
All of the consoles would be softmodded, with space to FTP one game to the hard drives. Either pick your game beforehand, or be prepared to wait; I refuse to spend the money to upgrade the hard drives.

To enforce that classic LAN party experience, it has been fitted in the best of early 21st century lights and windows, sure to wow you and as many as 15 friends and utterly distract them from the game going on.

For even more fun, up to 4 of these can be networked together, so each of you and your 15 1 friends can have a eight screens to themselves!
*that said, 4 of these could make for a pretty badass multiplayer forza experience... or 3 if you don't like rear view mirrors...*

It's called the BANBOX because going on xbox live with it would get yo... wait... nevermind.

If I ever build one using 360's, it's going inside an EZ-Bake oven.
This. Is. Awesome.

Any idea what the final dimensions are going to look like?
It will be about a foot tall, about 9 inches deep, and about 6 inches wide.
I can't wait.

... I'd also be willing to build kits to do it, where you just supply the xboxen if people are actually interested in my terribad case design.
For anyone wondering, the X on the side would be frosted, and the top left sections clear, while the bottom right sections are dark grey.
It will be filled with copious amounts of green lights.
The X on the front would be light grey
Any sides not shown are solid black.

Also, if any of you can round up the xboxen for it and sell them to me for $120 shipped, I'll turn around and build this, then sell it to you for... let's say $500?
I just want to build it, I have absolutely no use for it.
Price breakdown:
Xboxen - $120
Case materials ~ $50-$75
Lighting ~ $25
Power Supply ~ $130
Labor & Miscellaneous ~$150

I'd offer a kit up right now that you just shove the boards into for $400, but I want to *actually* build one first...