TF2 tomorrow?

i would. but, i have quite a bit of fanfiction to catch up on, so i might be busy. we shall see.
I need about a week, my badwith is close to the limit and redownloading/installing tf2 will bring it over for sure.(my Dang mom uninstalled steam because it was "cluttering the desktop" or something)
then what the Heck does she care whats on the desktop? you could always uninstall windows, load openBSD and use VB to run nix and then POL so you can use the computer, but she cant. (dont even use a desktop environment.)
Step one- Take screenshot of the Desktop
Step two- Save that image somewhere and set it as the desktop background
Step three- Delete all desktop icons.
Step four- Remove all programs from the start menu
also delete any internet browsers you have on the computer, or just get rid of the Drivers for your network card altogether :p
Joeyjoe9876 said:
Step one- Take screenshot of the Desktop
Step two- Save that image somewhere and set it as the desktop background
Step three- Delete all desktop icons.
Step four- Remove all programs from the start menu
also delete any internet browsers you have on the computer, or just get rid of the Drivers for your network card altogether :p
how about just install fluxbox (blackbox for windows) and set the background as a screenshot of your desktop. with about 1000 icons and shortcuts. :awesome:
I will play TF2 tomorrow, when i get it the day AFTER tomorrow. Don't forget that i need to be sneaky to get my TF2! Mac and Apple all the way... until you want to get a PC game. then you PARTITION! HOoRAY, EVERYONE WINS!