testing the waters/Your opinions: ZNWii


Probably SS
Don't really want to sell it, but do want to acquire cash for gamecube portable project. So I'm willing to sell it.

I don't have much of a guesstimate on price, but definitely more than $500 for sure, it's worth a bit more than that in parts alone.


There are people who would probably pay around $800 for it.
Although, I would expect anywhere from $500-750
i would deffinetly say 700 or 750 woyld be a fair price...i mean n64p's could run for 600..but this is a wii and runs on batteries!

you overdid it this time SS ;)
One way to find out for sure. Plop it on e-bay with a $500 reserve, then lady it out on youtube/here/there/etc.

I was kind of hoping for this. I really want to see that epic SS GCp.

One word of.... well advice I guess, I've learned through the years that if there's something you don't really want to sell but need the money. Find a different way to make the money and hold on to that thing you love. When I was 17 I sold my Tama Rockstar kit (which I loved, but needed cash) to build my first PC. Took me almost 10 years to get another kit. I kicked myself in the ass for that daily throughout those years. I've done this with various other crap through the years too. Seems like as soon as you sell something you always need it or wish you had it back the next day.
Ashen said:
One way to find out for sure. Plop it on e-bay with a $500 reserve, then lady it out on youtube/here/there/etc.

I was kind of hoping for this. I really want to see that epic SS GCp.

One word of.... well advice I guess, I've learned through the years that if there's something you don't really want to sell but need the money. Find a different way to make the money and hold on to that thing you love. When I was 17 I sold my Tama Rockstar kit (which I loved, but needed cash) to build my first PC. Took me almost 10 years to get another kit. I kicked myself in the ass for that daily throughout those years. I've done this with various other crap through the years too. Seems like as soon as you sell something you always need it or wish you had it back the next day.

ashen has spoken deep truth...SS must now either keep it or give it to me for freee :lol: