Swordfyre SMP Minecraft Server


No Stranger To Love
Taking applicants!
Server IP:
Location: Astoria, Oregon, USA
Read on to learn how to apply. DO NOT SKIP THE RULES AND INFORMATION.

Admins: Swordfyre, Zero_D
Moderators: Chilcutt

Clearly there are a sea of servers out there these days. but as a fellow Minecrafter, I'd like to offer my limited services if possible. This server is more of a casual server then most servers you see nowadays, with the main purpose being to just chill and have a good time, getting to know the people on the server, and building cool things for people to see.

TL;DR: This is intended for those who enjoy playing casually and helping out others who are the same.

1. Absolutely no griefing whatsoever.
2. No cheats, exploits, etc
3. Don't build or intrude on another's area. Mark off a staked claim with a fence and a sign.
4. Be nice! Don't be a hater, don't be rude.
5. Try to build a good distance away from others. 30 to 50 blocks away is preferable.
6. Try not to, like, build terribly. No 1x1 towers, no obnoxiously big cobble buildings that are just a square, yaknow, that kind of stuff. No obnoxious pixel art either, this isn't creative.
7. Think about the wild! Replant trees, no big holes.

Preferably, you should have a good grasp on Minecraft and Minecraft multiplayer.

Mods: I have CommandBook, LWC, ChopTree, nChat, MyWarp, MyHome, Help, BorderGuard, Autosave, Permissions, WorldEdit and WorldGuard installed, however the latter five are for admin use. 16 warps (8 public and 8 private) and a home are allowed for each person, and there's no limits for LWC. Type /help to get a better grasp at which commands you can use.

Fire spread is disabled. Creepers do not do terrain damage. TNT is enabled.

To apply, simply type a paragraph on why I should let you on the server. If you can connect within 24 hours, congratulations!

THIS IS NOT ON A DEDICATED MACHINE. If the server ever goes down, just try to connect periodically until you can get back on. If it's ever down for a specific reason, I'll make sure to post.

If you need something, add me on Steam; Swordfyre. You can also email me at swordfyre(at)gmail.com.
Could you add me. my username in minecraft is gyroninja. also I don't have internet at my house so I won't be on tell its fixed. I will add my reason lator when internet is back.
Basically the same thing as the last thing I hosted but with no central city.
SPLEEEEF! I made a spleef arena last night, and some of us played on it today.

Also, here's some screenshots!

Kirbbyy and I while making my house.

A nice sunset. Also showing Kirbbyy's WIP Pixel Art Cavern entrance. Pixel are will be allowed in there :3

All good servers need a good spawn :D

Spawn at another angle.

Spawn exit.

Chilcutt's pad

A Nether portal that Chilcutt built, on top of a lone island!

Dunno who started building there, but they sure chose a good spot!

The top of my house! For privacy's sake I won't show the inside, but it's really nice too. Unlike most admins, I build my stuff legit alongside players.

There's no better time to join then now!
Eh, I'll stick to my own little world. As much as I love the social aspect, I can't build anything decent without /give and flyhack. I'm still stuck in Creative, I guess you could say.
jf, is there ANY chance you could put back my old house on the new server? that thing was like 22x21x100, i miss it :( .

and anybody plan to go on today? id love a game of spleef
Σigma said:
Oh, forgot to add that, it's D33PS1X
04tm34l3 said:
jf, is there ANY chance you could put back my old house on the new server? that thing was like 22x21x100, i miss it :( .
Nah, the map is completely fresh, not gonna import anything. We have around 3 regular users, and about 5 people who will come on if I tell them I'm on, when you wanna play spleef.

Also, re-added ChopTree. Hopefully it'll stay working.