Swiss on ipl 10


My ipl 30 gc is being super Segay. It only boots half the time. I have another gc but it is ipl 10 and red start game menu, so not compatible. Would it work with the ipl 10 if I flashed Swiss to the wiikey?
brendanepic said:
My ipl 30 gc is being super Segay. It only boots half the time. I have another gc but it is ipl 10 and red start game menu, so not compatible. Would it work with the ipl 10 if I flashed Swiss to the wiikey?
i assume you mean CPU-30 instead of IPL30....if it seems to only work half of the time, check your wiring and try again...
swiss works on all IPL versions, but you need to flash swiss before you install in a 1.0 IPL...
that sounds like typical behavior related to a wiring issue...
a loose wire or a bad solder joint can cause this type of intermittent issue