

Active Member
Hi everyone, Ive been having some issues getting my sundriver up and running and was wondering if anyone might be able to help me out. So, I've got a new formatted drive with the sundriver, I'm able to load the menu onto it and everything goes fine without an error. But when I try to use it with the ski, it says unable to read the disc, and the menu never loads.
I've tried this on a wii 3.4, 4.2, and 4.3 but no luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
Hmm. Everything plugged up right, right? Also, I think all the switches are supposed to be facing a certain way in order to get the gamecube menu to pop up.

Ya I've got all the switches switched over AWAY from the LED as it said, but ya I'm starting to think it could be the sundriver I ordered, I might order a new one soon.
What firmware is the sundriver on? You need to use the matching PC software compatible for THAT firmware revision. Took me forever to figure that out back when I was still messing with my sundrivers.

My advice, get a WODE.
I actually dont know what firmware its on, do you know how to check? Also how much do wodes range from and are they compatible with gamecube games for the wii?
Do you have tons of custom flax on your wii? I think I had to uninstall some stuff to get my sundriver to load. Test it on an unmodded wii if you can.

No SS, it's actually a never been softmodded wii before, I got it to test with the sundriver cuz it wasn't working with my soft nodded one so I thought that would do the trick, but obviously not. I'm thinking it might have to do something with the menu program, but then again, I could be totally wrong.
You may be right.

Got my sundriver(sata version) from foundmy, never updated it or anything(although I want to, need to get one of those stupid $20 programmers. FFFF) I am using SunDriver_Programmer_V2.04.exe. No idea what ISO I am using for the menu, but I think I still have it on my computer somewhere.

Yeah SS, not sure if it's possible but if you do get a hold of that iso, do you know of any way I might be able to test that particular iso with my sundriver? Maybe I can make a video and upload it to YouTube of me trying to set this up, and if you had any time, I'd appreciate it if you could take a look at it.
I have two, one appears to be the same as the one Ashen linked to, and this one I think is the latest one, or, it was at the time, I think there is a newer one now. The ZNWii's wii FW is 4.2 I think.

Here is the other one, I uploaded it because you have to do some weird flax to download it on thier site.

Again, I don't think there is any way to tell which one I am using.
