Sponsored Post trial, post thoughts here ASAP


Founder of Modretro
Staff member
Look at our index. Now look closely. Now look MOOOORE closely.

See that new section at the bottom? Yeah, sponsored posts.

Thoughts on this? Should it be less obtrusive? Should we just have a banner in some threads? Is it a totally awful thing that should never ever happen?

Another thing: Unlike, say, adsense ads, we can actually discuss these offers, and let you know how much it helps us!

Thanks in advance for input, guys. This is just a trial for now, to see what everyone thinks. :)
I'm fine with it if you put it at the bottom of the page, but currently its a bit annoying.
Thanks, sounds like if we do end up keeping them, they will be at the bottom of the page. Would it be better if it was just one ad?
Probably, but just because if someone fills one out, it would be because they want to help the site out, and not because of the actual offer. The offer itself probably won't make a difference.
That is very true. Perhaps a small text banner that only shows up at the bottom of Forum 47 or Spamalot, or something?

I might just give up on this whole thing if it is predominantly negative feedback, but don't hate me for trying. :p
i like it. i know it can help and i like it.


keeping the links at the bottom of the index page is a good call. honestly, i don't mind throwing my emails to these offers a couple times a week. if thats me "earning my keep" then so be it. :D
I don't mind too much where it is right now, however I think one or two small banners at the very bottom of the page wouldn't hurt either.

on another note, other peoples' photobucket images are temporarily borked and mine aren't?
Have to say I'm not a big fan. I mean, I like that it can possibly generate revenue to the website, but it makes the website look kinda bad. If you do have it, I like the idea of having it at the very bottom where it won't be seen as much.
Okay, public opinion says these are baaaaaad. What if the offers were banished to inside of a one thread sticky in Spamalot? Then they are there if you are looking hard for them, but they would be practically invisible otherwise (Especially since Spamalot is members only).

Thoughts? #1 priority here is to make members happy, making money is quite a ways down the priority list. If people think they should be completely gone, not just put way out of the way, then let me know!
Oh, and in case anyone wasn't clear, the money we are trying to make is to host MR. We don't make ANY personal money off of this site AT ALL.

Oh yeah, that should be clear.

Just FYI, I have to dump several hundred dollars a year into hosting ModRetro, of my own personal money, even with advertisements.
I don't really see what the big deal is. Down at the bottom they are unobtrusive enough. Even at the top of the forum you could just ignore em if you wanted. Doesn't bother me at all.

Is there a "donate" button somewhere that I don't see? This site is teeming with useful unorganized information :D. Personally I would donate some cheese to the cause and I'm sure many others would too. If you got so many donations you didnt know what to do with couldn't it be used for competitions, etc? Just a thought.
There has been donation drives, but afaik they only cover a portion of the costs.
Zero said:
There has been donation drives, but afaik they only cover a portion of the costs.
This is so.

I wouldnt mind a dedicated donate button somewhere. I would click it monthly or something.
Seriously, put a dedicated donate button up. Christmas/New Years is basically the worst time of year to ask for money.