Special Mobo trim: will it work?


Well-Known Member
My question is if the Trim i want to do can function properly.
I'm planning on leaving the controllerboard connector on the Mobo intact.
That way I can make an external connector for the 4 Controller ports.

samjc3 said:
I don't see why it wouldn't.

Well I'm new to the whole modding scene and don't know much about the leads on a PCB and what not.
Just thought maybe it wouldn't function anymore if trimmed.

Doing it this way I can save up on space on my portable en still keep the HomeConsole functions (for example: 4 player support if connected to a TV) by connecting an external 4 player Board via a simple Plug and Play system.
You can see it as a Serial port for Portable Expanding Functions.
Also, this keeps in spirit the true Nintendo way of marketing, needing someting extra to make something else function. :twisted:
(You need Both Red and Blue to get all 150 Pokemon)
you can always make a 4 player port if you cut that prong you don't want to trim.
You can also trim it to half, to leave only those big golden contacts if you prefer. But you can at least trim it a little and still have complete functionnality and easy soldering.

To asnwer your question : it will work (imo)