SonyQrio's Cartridge Slot Relocation - TimeLapse


Frequent Poster
My final attempt to relocate my cartridge slot. I guess 8th time is a charm!



Check out the project: viewtopic.php?f=33&t=5607
Dig the music very fitting and yes, I really do like classical. Good job but why don't more people use ribbon cable? Try to find some Asus 80 strand/40 pin IDE cable it works perfect! Its a single stranded copper wire that's easy to strip and solders very nice. My first cart relocate I did as you just like most the people here. Then I used ribbon cable and wow, far easier to work with, looks 10x better and lays much flatter.

Asus IDE ribbon cable ftw! I grabbed 10 cables for $7 shipped off fleabay.

SonyQrio said:
Um, that is 40-IDE ribbon cable. It is just seperated.

Actually ASUS 40 IDE cable has 80 strands. Most IDE cable only has 40 strands and is usually twisted wire inside the insulation. ASUS brand is a single wire inside...80 counts but only uses 40 on the pins. It is much much thinner than standard IDE 40 and on the two relocates I did, it works great! I'll take a side by side comparison pic this weekend.