Some questions about the Gamecube mainboard


Hello all Im new here :wink:

Im from germany so im sorry for my bad english.

I have some questions about the Gamecube mainboard:

1. Will the heatsink fall off from the board if i will remove the six screws in the heatsink?
You see the marked screws in this pic:

I have no thermale paste and I want to check the boards function out of the gamecube with the heatsink so it must stay on the board.

2. After done the cut shown in this pic the marked capacitors will still work? I wont have to replace them?

3. This pic shows P1-4 transistors. Where are these transistors? ... ide/33.png

Sorry about the noobish quests but I want to be sure.

I think more questions from me will follow in near future.

Im looking forward for your replies and thank you all for your help ! :D

Nice greetings !
1) the heatsink is connected to the chips by a millimeter of thermal putty, it will stick to the heatsink and chips if you take off the screws and manipulate the board.
However it's not thermal glue (or smthg) it can come off, don't panic, you can reposition the paste and heatsink and not worry about overheating.
Furthermore, you should consider glueing or screwing the heatsink to the board, when assembling your portable, so that it doesn't move around.

2)with that cut, everything should work directly.

3) P1-4 refer to player 1 to 4, those are the controller datalines and transistors.
But with the cut above, those aren't the easyiest points to solder P1-4 data to. There are little components in a row of 4 on the bottom on the part sticking out of the cuting line.

EDIT : the transistors you don't have to connect if you use the pins I refer to, so only 1 wire per controller data.

I suggest reading the guide further and mayber a few times, it should help you see it more clearly :)
Thank you very much !

I read the guide about 4 times.

But with your help I think I got it now :D

I will only use one side from the cut I showed.

I will draw a picture in near future which will show the exact cut I will do to ensure it will work and also show my wiring.

So in this thread here some questions from me will follow in near future.

So please do not misunderstand me: Im not to lazy to inform myself about building, but because my english is not the best I dont understand everything.
I also want to ensure to do all right because I have only one Gamecube at the moment.

The opposite is fact I read so much about all the builds especially in this forum and Im very interested how you do this. :tophat:



I drew a scetch which shows the exact cut.

I removed the middle from the heatsink in the pictures and gave the ports / connectors labels for easier orientation.

Because the picture was so big I cut it middle horizontal.

I marked an area in the second picture is it ok to cut between those capacitors?

Will this work? I would like to ask you if you can check it exactly? Thanks !

Thank you !