Snowpenguin's tabs were shopped.

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Probably SS
*puts on suit*

*desk slam*

Take a look at some of the pixels around the names on the tabs.


Anyone with a decent monitor can tell, this image has been altered.

This was found in the logs:

(2010.05.05 - 18::3:3:01) Zero: oh my god
(2010.05.05 - 18::3:3:06) Zero: I just had an awesome idea
(2010.05.05 - 18::3:3:11) Zero: viewt ​opic.php?p=49036#p49036
(2010.05.05 - 18::3:3:15) CHATROOM: icarus logs into the Chat.
(2010.05.05 - 18::3:3:15) Bibin: almost done
(2010.05.05 - 18::3:3::3:3) Zero: someone should shoop snow's screenshot and put red tube as one of the tabs
(2010.05.05 - 18::3:3:41) Zero: and replace the image in his post

And THIS was found in the Moderator logs:


Still not convinced?

(2010.05.06 - 23::3:8::3:3) CHATROOM: Twilight_Wolf is no longer AFK
(2010.05.06 - 23::3:8::3:3) Twilight_Wolf: Back.
(2010.05.06 - 23::3:8::3:9) Zero: get ready to rag on snow for watching red tube
(2010.05.06 - 23::3:8:45) AfroLH: Lol
(2010.05.06 - 23:40:12) PalmerTech: Guys
(2010.05.06 - 23:40:18) PalmerTech: Should I post it seperately?
(2010.05.06 - 23:40:21) PalmerTech: Or edit his post?

Using power for lulz, huh? I seem to remember being yelled at for doing that.

Anything to say, Palmer?


Way to ruin the fun, jackass :p

*rushes to Palmer and tells Palmer to change SS's title to "Defender of Snowpenguin"*
Really SS? I would have expected you to be least likely to have spoiled our fun.

In fact, I bet you if you were the one that heard the idea first in the chat, you would have made the shoop. :p
@Zero: 'Cept I would've done it right and not left traces.


This is for people who DIDN'T know.

And Palmer has a habit of saying I misuse my powers for lulz, so I just wanted to point out that he does it too.

Plus I didn't know until I just figured it out, and now everyone who was trolling snowpenguin with a shoop feels stupid.

Good job.

No one was trolling me lol.

I knew about it from the beginning.

I was in on it FROM THE BEGINNING.

If I had made the edit myself, it would have shown up and people would be able to tell, so I had palmer do it after he told me about zero's idea.

Those little mistakes were put there to make sure it wouldn't go around seeming real for long.
Seriously, you didn't even know the whole story, like at all. You just made this seem way worse than it really was because of whatever "feud" you were having with Palmer. It wasn't done right on purpose. It was purposely made flaxty with quite a few faults and it was even done in MSpaint. The whole thing was going to be revealed after a good amount of people saw it and posted.

Now can we all just hug?
If you have a problem with moderation/administration, then you are supposed to post it in The Cave to work out. Not go behind my back and try to make it look like I had some evil plan.

I get that you are upset on being called out on power abuse SS, but that does not give you an excuse to try and make public drama. We have discussed this so, so many times, publicly and privately. It has been made abundantly clear, and anybody would agree.

This time is no different. You should have asked me yourself what was happening, or at most, made a thread in the moderator cave forum.

I have been lenient, but also made clear that if you tried to do this again, I would be forced to do something about it, because I cannot keep any kind of semblance of attempting to keep the peace when you refuse to go along with it.

I would have done this privately, but you seem to want to play this game in public, so I am not going out of my way to try and clean this up. Again.

3 day demotion to general member.
Bibin said:
Only fools use JPG for screenshots.
I agree :p

Also I am really starting to get sick of the drama here, This is the internet *Made By Al Gore* Not the prom you guys need to chill out. ;)
This is drama is nothing compared to the drama of the bacterian age.
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