Snowpenguins AG-85 N64p for sale, offer


Frequent Poster
Well, I had hoped to finish this and sell it, but some things have come up and I no longer have the time to properly finish this portable. It is almost done and only lacks a few things:

-N64 installed
-controller board installed
-batteries installed

The N64 does not require RCP wiring to fit in, just a little bit of trimming. The controls are alreayd mounted, they just need the board wired to them. And of course the battery is a very simple install.

7.4v 4400 mAh Li Ion battery with charger that can let the system play while charging
3.5" screen, very high quality, LED backlight
Bondo/epoxy putty controls
AG-85 (Dang small.)

I will help the buyer through finishing it, if they have any questions about the design of the portable, how it's all meant to fit together in the end, etc. I will have an N64 that I can ship along with it in about a week if the buyer wants one.

This includes:
Case, complete, painted, clearcoat. 6 coats each primer, paint, and clearcoat for maximum scratch protection.
3.5" screen installed
Control board installed
Extra controls + power switch + power plug installed but not wired
Cart slot with IDE cable soldered, ready to go on n64.
4400 mAh lithium ion battery pack with charger
Wheel pot for audio amp
Audio amp installed
Speakers installed
Extra information about batteries, pinouts for them.
N64 controller board
Cut down N64 jumper pak (I can include an expansion pak if you give me a little more.)




The case is a bit dirty right now, that's why it's all smudged up etc.

Make an offer.

I will consider all offers, do not hesitate. I need to sell this quickly!

This being an unfinished mod no returns will be accepted, sorry.
If nobody buys this, would you sell me the batteries? I need not a protection circuit, as I have many 7.4v Li-Ion/Po circuits.
It fits.

The expansion pak I'm not perfectly sure, but it might be incorporatable through major trimming/probably not but relocation is an option.
I like it, but I've got no money. My random thought/possibly good idea of the day. You know that there are bendable plastic boards right, but they are not commonly used? Well, why dont some of the few who know how to do this sort of thing backwards engineer the circuitboard like Kibble is, but make it a flexible one? I know I'm most likely missing out on something major here, but it seems like a good idea to me.
Not altogether easy to design an n64 board over again, let alone get a flexible pcb that large made.

Let's try and keep my thread for this and a different thread for your idea :D
Dude, this sucks. I was hoping you'd get it finished. :gonk: Oh well. Hope the money gets used well! :D

It'd better not be for a DSXL! :evil2: