Smallest HDMI screen for general public?


Frequent Poster
what is the smallest HDMI screen available to the general public?? And is it a brick? Just curious.

I know of some nice 3.5" LCD screens that accept VGA, but I'm guessing the smallest for HDMI is a lot bigger.

And while we are on the subject, is it a chore converting an HDMI signal into VGA?
DK, thanks, but that 5" isn't true HD as the resolution isn't 1080 horizontal. ... hd-display

^heres a report on a 4.8" screen that is true HD resolution, but I'm trying to find more info on it. I doubt if they have even started selling them yet :/

Ugh screen tech is soooo slow in development sometimes. Or maybe its a marketing problem. For example, the 5" dalian screens have not budged in price in like 3 years.
Since I am currently working on a Wireless Video Interface HD this is the setup I am using:

1. ... 5650973e81

Altough my controller board does not have HDMI input BUT I am using this to convert HDMI to VGA + Audio:

2. ... 1497.l2649

It is pretty small, POWERLESS and does the job :)

You can get 5.6" at 1280x800 with HDMI but it is expensive: ... 460786d0bf

You can get a 7" at 1024x600 with HDMI here: ... 3f1afbe492

The best option is to get something that accepts HDMI but you can always use HDMI to vga converter
DK, for portablizing of course :P

Thanks for those links!!

The 5.6" screen looks pretty good. The 7" doesn't have a great viewing angle, and I'm not sure how great the picture would look.

What about this one? Its 5" but what I do not understand is "native" resolution versus "maximum" resolution. Shouldn't the screen have a set number of pixels? Would that be considered the maximum resolution? Also, this screen is designed for film and TV production, so I'm not sure how good it would look with gaming. ... 0831067596
I'd assume native resolution is the resolution of the screen while the maximum is what it can scale down to display on the screen.
DK  said:
I'd assume native resolution is the resolution of the screen while the maximum is what it can scale down to display on the screen.

well that sucks.
Tchay said:
DK, for portablizing of course :P

What console? The only things that really benefit from HD would be a 360 or PS3, and I believe at least the 360 renders most everything at 720p or below natively, and then upscales to 1080p or whatever. So really it wouldn't really be practical, especially at that size.
I currently don't have any interest in the Xbox 360 due to its size.

I was interested in doing some modding work for the PS3 or the Ouya, both of which do HDMI out

this is interesting though ... 3/64457092

I'll look at the master list, but I guess I don't really need the full 1080p for a small screen (as you pointed out, Zero). The only benefit would be if I were to watch movies on the device, but thats pointless to care about on such a small screen, I think.

Do PS3/xbox 360 games look BETTER on 1080p TVs??? Does the upscaling actually improve the picture quality or crispness?
I thought upscaling only did the necessary calculations to ideally turn 921600 square pixels into 2073600, with the least bit of distortion? Maybe do some sharpness filtration to separate two areas of high contrast?
As a general rule, upscaling NEVER looks better. Ever. Its basically running maths to create new data between the lines. It works alright, but its never as crisp or clean as native res. Sometimes upscaling can work a bit like AA, but at the cost of making everything a bit blurry. Personally I'd go for 720 native and leave it at that. You're pretty much guaranteed native compatibility with everything on the consoles you mentioned.
samjc3 said:
As a general rule, upscaling NEVER looks better. Ever. Its basically running maths to create new data between the lines. It works alright, but its never as crisp or clean as native res. Sometimes upscaling can work a bit like AA, but at the cost of making everything a bit blurry. Personally I'd go for 720 native and leave it at that. You're pretty much guaranteed native compatibility with everything on the consoles you mentioned.

But then technically most PS3 games NEVER run at their native resolutions. Because many of them run at very odd resolutions:

Far Cry 3 = 1274x702 (post-AA, black borders)
Call of Duty: World at War = 1024x600 (2x AA)

but then many of them are 1280x720 and I have yet to find a 5"-9" screen with that resolution...
Those resolutions are still far closer to 720p than 1080p, so better. As far as getting a panel with that res, unless tablet/smartphone displays that use LVDS can be found, I don't know what to tell you.
I have a 5.6" 720p screen, I have a 7" 720p screen and a 10.6" 1080p screen.
The thing about worrying with 1080p on such a small screen is it is incredibly hard to see the difference between 480p, 720p, and 1080p on small screens.

Now I was using them to make projectors. So when you blow them up to 180" with a projection , then you can see the difference. Also there is a lot less screen door effect on a projection with a higher resolution, because the pixels are much closer.

But on a small screen 720p will be fine and really almost a waste.

I bet 99 out of 100 people would not see a difference between 480p and 720p on a 5.6" screen.

There are 720p 5.6" screens all over eBay : ... 5d376f4dab
They look better in 1080p, but only because the console upscaling it looks better than the TV upscaling it itself (even if the 360/PS3 is outputting 720p, most decent HDTVs have a native resolution of 1080p). If you're using a screen or TV that's not 1080p, obviously the whole upscaling thing is irrelevant.
if VGA is acceptable, then there are tons of 3.5" out there with VGA. 640x480 is the highest resolution I have seen on a 3.5" screen.