Silly Skyrim Petition


Christians can be so lame sometimes.

Immediately Ban the Deadly Videogame Known as "SkyRim" for The Safety of America's Youths.
Whereas videogaming has proven to cause social, ethical and health problems in people of all ages,

Whereas sexual perversion and homosexuality are threatening to destroy the Christian foundations on which this nation was built,

Whereas a new video game has just been created that far exceeds any others in the psychological and spiritual damage it does to teens,

We, the American people, today ask you,

1) To enact an immediate ban on the videogame known as "SkyRim" produced by Blizzard Entertainment.

2) To seize and destroy all copies already in public hands and erase its presence on the internet.

3) To prosecute the players of "SkyRim" to the fullest extent of the law.

4) To create a national database of videogame avatars and "screen names" so that teenagers can be better monitored.
Strikes me as being faked. Source? Besides, anyone who really believes that is just part of a very vocal minority. Theres insane outliers in every demographic.
I read the Christwire article, and it got a few giggles and laughs out of me. Then I saw the petition. I broke down into obscene laugher, beginning to cry tears of joy. Then I saw people taking both the article and the petition seriously. My laughter hit critical mass, and I started laughing out of every orifice on my body. I then died because I couldn't breathe due to all of the laughter being expelled from my mouth, anus, tear ducts, etc. I'm actually making this post from Sovngarde, where I've just finished having my gay dragon orgy for Satan.
Just to be hypothetical, but if this passes, would it matter since the game isn't made by Blizzard/officially called just Skyrim?
When I found out that it wasn't serious, I was disappoint.

It seemed fairly sane up to point 1), when I fell off my chair laughing. Someone doesn't know the difference between The Elder Scrolls and World of Warcraft.
Mako321 said:
Just to be hypothetical, but if this passes, would it matter since the game isn't made by Blizzard/officially called just Skyrim?

Old people on the Internet who still don't understand what the Internet actually is get details like that wrong all the time. I think that added to the realism.
Caredo said:
Antome said:
I am a catholic, and do not approve of this :3
The petition is a joke.
So because I knew this from the start, and/or could have read the posts on the last page, bold large type was needed to get the message through my incompetent, one dimensional, single minded head hmm?

Your post showed 0 evidence of understanding that the petition was a joke. This led me to believe you were incapable of reading anything at all, so I did my best to make it as understandable as possible.

Looks like it wasn't necessary.