Sheetsink?/Need rev9 heatsink

Re: Sheetsink?

budnespid said:
I actually thought it was on the thicker side :confused:
That's what she said!

If I had to guess, I would say that the heatsink it comes with is a little thicker.
Re: Sheetsink?

Aluminum isn't a very good conductor of heat, just FYI. It's a great dissipater, but a bad conductor. You'll want to make sure you use a really good thermal paste.
Re: Sheetsink?/looking for rev9 heatsink

If anyone has a heatsink assembly from a rev9 mobo let me know. It's the one without the heat blocks. It's just stamped metal.
Well, I failed Chemistry, so I forgot about specific heat.

Isn't conductivity the ability to absorb heat, and dissipating it is getting rid of it?
Mario said:
Isn't conductivity the ability to absorb heat, and dissipating it is getting rid of it?
Yup. I'd be using arctic silver so conductivity wouldn't be that big of an issue.
Thermal conductivity is the ability to transfer heat, and it has to do with free electrons and atomic structure. It doesn't matter if it's conducting heat to itself or other materials, the property is the same.
Aux said:
Thermal conductivity is the ability to transfer heat, and it has to do with free electrons and atomic structure. It doesn't matter if it's conducting heat to itself or other materials, the property is the same.
