Selling Price of Xbox, Xbox 360, and Playstation 1 Laptop?

During my planning and researching for making a Playstation 1 laptop I started to wonder if it would be sellable assuming I didn't botch the project somehow. I am pretty broke so I figured after playing with my creation for a few days I would sell it for a small profit to start the process all over again with a different system. Would I be able to sell a PS1 Laptop assuming it came out in good quality? Also what have you seen an original Xbox and the 360 go for when turned into a laptop? I ask because I have access to all of these but I figured for my first project I'd start low-key with a PS1. (I am new to the modding of game systems but I do have some skill with soldering from messing around with other electronics and a few simple robots.)

Thank you in advance!

Edit: As soon as I posted this one of my friends called me seeing if I wanted a Sega Genesis for 5$- so how much would a Genesis Laptop go for?
Re: Selling Price of Xbox, Xbox 360, and Playstation 1 Lapto

Never heard of a PS1 laptop, so I'm not sure if it would be worthwhile to make a laptop out of it.

The point of making a laptop out of a system is because the system itself is complicated and large enough that a handheld portable just doesn't make sense.
I wouldn't be able to give you a price point, because I've never a PS1 laptop.

An XBox 360 laptop? Those can go anywhere from $0 to $9000 depending on how well you do it. a $9000 unit is going to have a laser cut (or CNC cut) metal case with a built in custom keyboard, lights, possibly liquid cooling etc. They go for $9000 because they are well done. REALLY well done. Typically though, if you do a good job on it with a nice looking case and the whole unit having a finished look, you can get some cash assuming you find some buyers.
Re: Selling Price of Xbox, Xbox 360, and Playstation 1 Lapto

Only with a metal case does it go for that much? In my opinion a plastic case if done right looks better. Also is there a nice market for Xbox 360 laptops or would I be sitting around with my creation for a while afterwards looking for a buyer. (Assuming it looks nice/works of course.)

Also I'm studying engineering/planning to be an engineer or whatever you would like to call it so I have access to CNC's, 3D Printers, Etc. so making a good looking case isn't to much of an issue for me. Though I really want to try vacuum forming my own case eventually...
Re: Selling Price of Xbox, Xbox 360, and Playstation 1 Lapto

It depends. If you have a plastic case like this:

It's going to sell for a lot more than a plastic case like this:
Re: Selling Price of Xbox, Xbox 360, and Playstation 1 Lapto

Lulz, that was SS's first N64, right?

We've come a long way...
Re: Selling Price of Xbox, Xbox 360, and Playstation 1 Lapto

Making portables to earn money? Unless you're a god at cases and not frying stuff, you probably won't. Portables have always been a hobby first, business if you're good at it. The market for them is tiny at profitable prices. Tell someone you want $500 for a portable N64, they'll say "Why, you spent $100 on parts, I'll give you $120".

PS1 laptop? So the laptop will have no controls and you'll need to plug in a controller? That's what you get from slapping a PSone screen on the back and rigging up a battery. Plus, with emulation and handheld clones, pretty much every system before the N64 isn't really in demand.

The best thing to do is make a couple quality portables/laptops that you wouldn't mind keeping for personal use. Then if someone wants to buy it, great, if not, oh well, you still have something you'll use. Then when your work has been out there, you might start getting people wanting to commission you to make something to their likes.

Does this sound mean? Probably. But I'm telling you the truth. Portables only make money for a few. For the amount of money made per hour you work on one (a good one), you're better off getting a minimum wage job. If you want to try it, go ahead, its your money.
Re: Selling Price of Xbox, Xbox 360, and Playstation 1 Lapto

No it doesn't really seem mean, it seems like you are telling me what you see. But I guess we shall see if I have the talent in a month or so if I'm dedicated! ;)