School rules!


Well-Known Member
Rules as in the noun, not verb. :mrgreen:

Anyway, I have this assignment due about 6 days ago for my law studies class where I need to come up with an idea for a rule change/addition for my school/local community. Since my only problem with school is the homework, which can't be outlawed, I haven't come up with a law yet. I figured that MR was full of people less than satisfied with school, so your combined discontent could help me get an A.

Think away! :)
People who call out or stay stupid things should be immediatly given detention.
Allow iPods in hallways. At my school, our dean gives you ISS and calls your parents if you have one out in the hallways, even if it's an accident. Last week, some senior tripped a sophomore in the hallway, and his 'pod fell out of his pocket. She gave the sophomore ISS and the senior a verbal warning. :rolleyes:
DJ711 said:
People who call out or stay stupid things should be immediatly given detention.
Let's hope I don't live in Jewjo's town.

Allow iPods. If students are listening to music, they won't talk, and they'll be working (unlike my Shift key).
Actual practical, useful change? More harsh punishment for drugs.

Nice to have but 'useless' one? Allow electronics in class, since people sneak them anyway. Less OCD about cheating and noise in big tests would be nice too.
I agree with less OCD about cheating, and harsher punishment about drugs and booze. Also they need to be more watchful about people sneaking texts in class. EVERY girl in my grade (and some guys) texts during class and then complains about getting straight Ds. I wish I could punch them all in the faces and then tell them that no texting would bring up their grades a LOT.
pLover said:
Also they need to be more watchful about people sneaking texts in class. EVERY girl in my grade (and some guys) texts during class and then complains about getting straight Ds. I wish I could punch them all in the faces and then tell them that no texting would bring up their grades a LOT.

You are right in at least one way there. If you text in class and generally screw around, don't expect a good grade and don't whine about it.
Hmph, they tried to improve the drug problem at my school a while back, and it sucked. You couldn't use the restrooms during class, ever. They figured that drug deals were happening in the bathrooms, so they decided to lock them up during all class hours. When you have block schedule two days out of the week (two three-hour-long classes for us), you'll pretty much piss in your pants those days. Girls had the biggest problems about it, considering once a month they wanted to rip the administration to pieces.

TL;DR: My school locked up our bathrooms during class time to reduce drug deals, and many of us pissed in our pants.
Basement_Modder said:
pLover said:
Wouldn't a bathroom attendant be much more effective? :lol:
For the right price, he wouldn't see anything...
Lol an illegal immigrant bathroom attendant.cinco pesos yo no mirar anything :rofl:
I didn't do well in spanish
BoFoSho said:
Basement_Modder said:
pLover said:
Wouldn't a bathroom attendant be much more effective? :lol:
For the right price, he wouldn't see anything...
Lol an illegal immigrant bathroom attendant.cinco pesos yo no mirar anything :rofl:
I didn't do well in spanish

Or just install security cameras all around the bathrooms (except for toilets :rofl: ) and save a lot of heacaches (attendant, drug deals, etc.)

This is BOTH, cost savings and a smart way of monitoring students ;)
Aceboy, that's illegal. It's considered an invasion of privacy. Good plan though.
DJ711 said:
Aceboy, that's illegal. It's considered an invasion of privacy. Good plan though.

Which is more important? Privacy or SAFETY? When I was in school there was a lot of physical harasments going on in the bathrooms. In addition, one time my class got caught cheating in the mid-term/final exam where students went to toilets to check review papers hidden there rather than using the toilet itself :evil2:

This is what happens when people ask for too much "freedom" :rolleyes:
1-You live in *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing Kuwait.
2-What is the point of enforcing a law if you're going to break another law to do it?