samjc3's xbox laptop worklog


#1 Female Member
Well, i have been wanting to do this for awhile, so i ordered parts, and stuff.
so far, i have iceberq pro 4's installed, and the tall capacitors relocated. i have a 320 gb laptop harddrive, and all the converters.
stuff i still need:
-softmod or modchip (no disc drive, upgraded harddrive)
-case (cnc, courtesy of a friend, cheap)
-screen (looking for something around 14". prefferably widescreen. pm me if you have something)
-picoPSU (self explanitory)

pictures tomorrow. assuming my mother doesnt make me work on math all day. she might.( :gonk: )

I too am working on a xbox laptop at the moment, and since you seem to know what you're doing ill ask:
Which picopsu are you using and how do you wire it up?
Your new Hard drive is IDE, right?
Are you going to be using a TV or a PC monitor?
this is the picopsu i am using:

the screen will probably be a 15" lcd computer monitor.

my hard drive is sata, but i have a converter to mini ide, then a converter to ide 3.5".

no running pictures until i get my new xbox. i accidently *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ed this one up. it don work no moar.