rev c custom regs


Well-Known Member
I accidentally bought a rev c gamecube. I installed the wiikey fusion on it and it looks super clean and I've quadruple checked everything with my multimeter. But i sold my only gc power supply with my GCp and i cant test it yet!! Can I put custom regs on an untrimmed rev c?
Ive that that before and it works fine. Just put the voltages on the GPU and CPU points like you normally would.
Wiikey yes!!

I successfully installed a wiikey fusion on my rev c along with the custom regs! My last GCp took me 6 wiikeys before getting it to work, and now I've done it on my first try for my new GCp! Now I just gotta trim this thing real small without breaking it... This is coming along well, im hoping it wont take too long to finish my new GCp.

I also didnt solder pins 24 and above and it works fine. It's a lot easier with only 16 wires.

Small soldering..
So I cut my rev c a bit smaller than i planned to and i cut off the 12v smd cap. The gamecube is working fine except for sound obviously. It's making some pretty weird noises, like it would make some sweet dubstep. But Can i just bypass the 12v smd cap? I might be able to snatch one from another board, but I'd rather not.

Also, I used to be afraid of rev cs, but now im kinda diggin them. It is the same size as my almostwtf rev a except I have the wiikey still wired to the original dd pins because the board is arranged differently. That's pretty nice.

For some reason I've got an auto-boot wiikey. Dont know how. I updated it to 1.5 like my other wiikeys and i wired up the switch but i dont need to press it. Oh well, this is nice though! I dont have swiss on it either, just normal wiikey.
