Rev 6 mobo won't work


Active Member
Before I started my Fierce64, I got 10 n64s as is for $75. I will never need that many but its a good price considering one n64 is like $30 and I can sell the ones I don't use. I'm using one of them for my Fierce64 for now (a Rev 4), and the other 9 are all Revs 4 and 5 , except of one, a Rev 6. I know Rev 6s are very rare, and I'm lucky to get one, but IT DOESN'T FREAKING WORK. I tested all of the N64 before I opened their cases, and the Rev 6 didn't work even in the case, although I had no idea it was a Rev 6 at the time. I tested all of the voltages, and I checked the 7805; they're all fine. Is there anything else I can do?

Here are some pics:




If I can't get it to work I think I'm just going to take the ram off it for if I do a Ramswap.
First off, rev 6 is not rare at all. Rev 3 is kinda rare, rev 2 is pretty rare, and rev 1 is very rare. Secondly, check the connections of the chips for any small pieces of metal or anything that might be shorting pins. If the LED doesn't come on, you've got a short.
XCVG said:
Rev. 6 (NUS-CPU-06)
Serial Numbers: Unknown
Distinguishing Features: Not RGB Moddable (MAV-NUS), Single RAM Chip
Notes: This one is so rare that the Benheck versions guide states that it does not exist. It is the first version with a single 4MB RAM chip

Also didn't Bud make a thread about about a Rev 6 he had that he wanted to sell since he didn't want to break it because it was rare?
Do you have a bigger picture of the back and the front? It's kinda hard too see anything. Try all the games you have, change between jumper and expansion pack, use an air can to blow the contacts of the CPU, GPU, and Ram, the cart slot, EVERYTHING.

- mymixed
FierceDeity said:
XCVG said:
Rev. 6 (NUS-CPU-06)
Serial Numbers: Unknown
Distinguishing Features: Not RGB Moddable (MAV-NUS), Single RAM Chip
Notes: This one is so rare that the Benheck versions guide states that it does not exist. It is the first version with a single 4MB RAM chip

Also didn't Bud make a thread about about a Rev 6 he had that he wanted to sell since he didn't want to break it because it was rare?
I have a Rev 6 right now. And I have had Rev 6's in the past. Didn't know they were rare :/
0wnage Modz said:
stolen Borrowed from XCVG's guide.

Rev. 6 (NUS-CPU-06)
Serial Numbers: Unknown
Distinguishing Features: Not RGB Moddable (MAV-NUS), Single RAM Chip
Notes: This one is so rare that the Benheck versions guide states that it does not exist. It is the first version with a single 4MB RAM chip.

Already been posted, dawg.
The BenHeck version guide may be inaccurate. It claimed the Rev 6 did not exist, therefore I assumed it was quite rare. Then again, you might just have been lucky.

Anyway, try cleaning the cart slot, expansion slot and ports.
I have had a few. They are definitely more uncommon than other revisions, but not rare by any means.
I have had a few. They are definitely more uncommon than other revisions, but not rare by any means.
Okay, so I guess a Rev 6 isn't rare after all. Since it's not, I'm just going to take its ram and not have to worry about crippling a rare mobo.
At first I thought mime was rare, but then I realised what does it matter if it is rare?