PTH08080WAH problems


I'm having some trouble putting together custom zenloc's regulator.
1,7V PTR08100W worked perfectly from the start, but pth08080WAH is giving me a headache. I'm planning to use 3.3v and 5v regulators together with my 1,7V reg, so I ordered 2 pieces from farnell.
I soldered everything together, put correct resistors and 100uF capacitors on inputs. I connected these regulators with common ground with one cable going out as ground from all of the 3 regs.
Now when I connected it to original 12V GC power supply it all seemed to work fine, but after about 30 seconds I heard a loud cracking noise and I saw fire and smoke going from my 3,3V circuit.

It's the small component marked on the picture that basically blew off the board (pic comes from my current reg, not blown... yet ;P)
Now the Vin and GND is shorting, so it's dead obviously.

5v reg was still working fine. Powered my lcd panel - all was perfectly fine, so I epoxied it to be 10000% sure nothing will short, and since I still needed 3,3V to power gamecube I ordered another one and one backup reg just in case. That stuff arrived yesterday. I added 1,87k resitor, cap on input, wired all 3 together again, turned on the power and after 10 seconds Boom, there went my previously working 5v reg.

Gonna shorten this up a bit.
I made another 5V reg. Put output cap on 3.3V reg and a 5V one.
Now 3.3V started to output exactly 1,65V, so I tried removing the output cap, and it went back to 3.3V. 10 minutes before I started writing this post I saw tiny sparks going from the area marked on my second pic,

so I'm guessing this one is going to die very soon too, but in a bit different way than the previous 2. 5V on the other hand doesn't smell or spark, but outputs between 2,6-3,6V with or without output cap soldered in.

What could I have done wrong? Those regs shown on the pics look a bit wonky, but that's because I switched resistors on them and didn't bother to make new fancy soldering job. I'm pretty sure: about 99,99% positive that the first 2 were not shorted either. I'm using mini sized capacitors (about 5mm tall) as opposed to all the big ones shown by you guys, but they're still 100uF 16V, so parameters are OK.
PTH08080W are expensive as Heck too, so if possible I would like to avoid spending another 10% of my salary on them ;]
Im pretty sure that the dc-dc converter's specs say that it will only tolerate a maximum of 5.5v or so which is why it is frying. It's always a good idea to look at data sheets for any part you want to use (especially heed the absolute maximum operating conditions section). Look around texas instrument's site for a buck converter (rather than a boost) module. If you need help finding one feel free to ask. I've sampled quite a few parts from TI so I know my way around the site.