psp joystic on gamecube

Don't do it. Ashen said that they take a lot of tinkering to get them to work, and 3ds sticks are much better. As discussed in the "3DS>psp>else?" topic, neither will give you full functionality and people are still working on fixing that. The psp stick doesn't give much range either. I say just use the original gamecube stick, it's not worth it to have to *Can'tSayThisOnTV* around with the psp stick.
Because portables are cheap?

Good luck finding another joystick the same size that works perfectly with no modifications.

Same thing, half price. WIN.
why did you edit your post after I had already posted

That has a switch in it. Therefore it is bigger; also you wouldn't want a switch on a joystick of this size.

What I said still stands correct.

Yep, i just ordered some from digikey. They are super tiny. Kinda stiff to move around at first, i'm sure once I make caps for them it'll be easier though.