PS3 controller buttons not working after housing/button swap


I just swapped the insides from my ps3 controller to a shiny new housing and added new buttons. Problem is, now the only button that works is the center PS button. Nothing else is responsive, except sometimes the thumbsticks. The menus tend to spaz out now and then, as if it's trying to register several conflicting button presses. I feel like that means I probably *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ed the clear button contact sheet thing, but I'm not sure how badly/what can be done about it. Heeeeelp please!
Re: PS3 controller buttons not working after housing/button

Okay, so I figured out that part. It was acting super weird-- the sticks, PS button, and dpad were all responsive, but the face buttons wouldn't do anything! It turned out that the wires that connected the board to the silver thing on the right side of the controller had snapped out from the solder! So I stripped the wires a little and soldered them back into place. Fixed.

The current problem seems to be L2/R2. They both work, but they're wayyyy too sensitive. Barely resting a finger on either one triggers them. It doesn't feel right at all, and I'm not sure what I did wrong. I've taken them out and put them back in several times, but they both look sort of, like, limp or something. Like, they're always resting on the squishy contacts, rather than sitting slightly above them.

EDIT: I fixed the L2/R2 problem by flipping the springs the other way. Easy enough. After that, everything worked except my R1. I found out that the clear button contact sheet wasn't properly meeting up with the board. The tab that wraps around to meet with the board was only partially touching the board, so I boosted it up with a thick piece of foam poster tape. Works fine now.