Portable PS2 dvd player?

Ok so I wanna try to combine these 2

7 inch LCD screen av out a ac charger dvd drive...


The usual slim ps2

any tips or am I not able to?
As a general rule, Dvd player screens aren't too useful. If the player has a video input feature, you can use the screen, but most likely you need to keep almost the whole DVD player. That is, needless to say, unhelpful for both battery life and size. I would recommend getting a screen that has direct AV in. Finding one with 4::3: / 16:9 switching is a great bonus too. They arent too hard to get.

For power, most ps2 slims take 8.5v DC. what that means is the standard 2s array of lithium batteries (7.4v) isnt enough. The best solution Ive seen are a few dvd player backup batteries that are regulated to an even 9v (like the initial rb-270). They arent too hard to find, and I can say with certainty that they power a slim very nicely. Ive also heard that the last model of the ps2 slim, scph900xx, with the internal power board, can run fine on a 7.4v pack. I cant verify that though.
The 4th Horsemen said:
Hmm... Ok I'm gonna try to look up some of the stuff see where I can get it cheap...
maybe amazon or radioshack...
Come to think of it Ive got both those batteries and some screens that would work. Id be happy to sell em rather cheaply, as I sure as Heck wont use them.
samjc3 said:
The 4th Horsemen said:
Hmm... Ok I'm gonna try to look up some of the stuff see where I can get it cheap...
maybe amazon or radioshack...
Come to think of it Ive got both those batteries and some screens that would work. Id be happy to sell em rather cheaply, as I sure as Heck wont use them.
I'm probally gonna get mine from amazon...
But I'm not sure yet...
will it be hard to set that stuff up...
The 4th Horsemen said:
will it be hard to set that stuff up...
Totally depends on your skill level and how far you want to go. Depending on what screen you end up with you could theoretically get it all running off the battery with two solder joints. But if you wanna go more in depth than plugging it all together with the cables, then it will take rater more work. But you could make something pretty sexy.
Skill level- Noob
How far I wanna go- I wanna have the ps2 like a dvd player how the screen folds
and the bottom part a slim ps2
and I can put the discs in and memory cards and controler...
The 4th Horsemen said:
Skill level- Noob
How far I wanna go- I wanna have the ps2 like a dvd player how the screen folds
and the bottom part a slim ps2
and I can put the discs in and memory cards and controler...
The hardest part will be the hinge, specifically the video cabling, but its not impossible by any means. The rest kinda depends on your budget and willingness to learn.