Portable PS1

Hello!Well I started this portable almost a year ago but I got frustrated and ended up throwing it in my attic for about 3/4 of the year. About a month ago I started working on it again and finally got everything to work on it. Now it isn't completely portable because I decided since this was my first project I didnt want to go to extreme. It still runs on the wall adapter and doesnt have batteries.

I do have 1 problem though. Up until about a day ago everything worked but yesterday I desoldered the power switch from the board and it looks like I desolder the top left corner to much and now I cant get solder to stick in it. Is there anyway I could fix this. See pic below to see what I mean.


After I figure out how to fix that problem I am pretty much done with it except for a little bit more wiring and putting it all together. Anyways here is what I have.





Please let me know what you think.
Try cleaning it up with some alcohol. Also, I think that looks like a ground, so any of the ground around it should work. Take a mulitmeter and see if it is.

just my two cents
hailrazer said:
Mako321 said:
You don't NEED extra flux, just the rosin flux found in most solder.

On Gamecubes and N64's itsure does help a lot. In fact it's downright necessary sometimes.

I still don't really know what flux is. And I have never used it before.....I guess I should get some. My soldering iron tips erode off after only a days worth of use. Not sure why......
I don't really know how to use flux.... I bought some, but haven't really used it. It makes bridging connections super easy though!

And this portable looks beautiful.

Edit: You may have ripped off the solder pad... If theres no metal, the solder cant stick. Try rasping the board and soldering to the trace.