Portable Gamecube with Wiikey Fusion but I get no power?~~

Hello everyone,
I just finished my portable gamecube with wiikey fusion installed but I get no power whatsoever. could you guys help me out and give some suggestions and answers???
I am new here so bear with me and this is the first portable I ever built and it took me a very long time.
thanx in advance
Re: Portable Gamecube with Wiikey Fusion but I get no power?

We can't do anything for you if we don't have a little more information than that.
Does the portable include batteries? Check all your grounding.
Pictures would help too.
Re: Portable Gamecube with Wiikey Fusion but I get no power?

well there are no batteries just ac adapter. I did check all grounds
Re: Portable Gamecube with Wiikey Fusion but I get no power?

Well, you said no power whatsoever. Does that mean the regulator's not working? You should check that first. And check that no main voltage lines are shorted.
Re: Portable Gamecube with Wiikey Fusion but I get no power?

I have checked everything suggested and the regulator is working as well.
I was wondering if I ship it to you or whomever could it be fixed. I will pay for the repairs no problem. I spent too much time and I am basically lost at this point.
let me know
Re: Portable Gamecube with Wiikey Fusion but I get no power?

you might want to post pics of the setup...
you might just be overlooking something very simple