Poem I Wrote (I need your opinion)


Frequent Poster
I need your opinion on a poem I wrote. Critique it. Give me your thoughts. Anything.
天国の肖像「Portrait of Heaven」
A lone wanderer
garbed in silver robes
Tantō at his side
Yumi on his back
Through the cave of leaves
darkened by the fall
Into the abyss
He finds himself lost.

As dew covers trees
To vanish by noon
As light blankets fields
To fade into night
He sits in the grass
Awaiting his fate
His hands not shaking
Looking to the sky.

He readies his brush
Prepares the paper
For his final words
His song of the swans
Cool wind hits his face
Dipping brush in ink
Words flow like water
Composing his jisei.

だけ死去は近寄る「As death approaches」
わたしは大自然の美を見出す「I notice the beauty of nature」
金色の枯葉は地を覆う「The golden leaves cover the earth」
淑やかな魚は水に滑る「The graceful fish glide in the water」
静かな白鳥は湖水に漂う「A peaceful swan floats in the lake」
わたしは長らく彷徨った「I have wandered for so long」
待つこと死亡「Waiting to die」
かしら…「I wonder…」
大自然は天国の肖像です?「Is nature a portrait of heaven?」

A butterfly lands
On his tired hand
It flutters its wings
Peaceful and serene
Raindrops wet his face
He shelters his friend
So that it may fly
Once the rain recedes.

The wanderer rests
Lying on the ground
And breaths his last breath
He enters the void.
As his hands release
And the calm rain stops
A pair of blue wings
Ascend to the sky.
Poems that don't rhyme?

I like it. Very well written and expressive.

It also causes sentiment which is something I appreciate.
I kept getting distracted by your avatar. If the idea was to make it sound like a Japanese poem, then it worked out quite well. Otherwise, it's just awkward. Content-wise, it's a poem. I generally don't like poems. This one's no different, but it *is* pretty well done.
I love it, it's so full of imagery and beautifully written.
No, I think you are much much further from the point.

If you were joking about how good it is but doesn't rhyme, hahaha, hahahahaha, hahahahaha, hahaI don't see how that's relevant at all.

A simple statement from you saying it doesn't rhyme doesn't chime with me. Only I am that irrelephant.

If you were trying to say that not rhyming in poems is hipster, than once again, are you eight? ::3:

If you were attempting none of these, see line three, and fit your point with that.

Still stuck? Maybe I did miss a point. But fit it in with line three anyway, and make it jolly as you can.
You also missed this part in afro's post: "I need your opinion on a poem I wrote. Critique it. Give me your thoughts. Anything.

My post fits under "Anything." Meaning it doesn't have to be relevant, or correct, or intelligent. Just anything.

If I had something legitimate to say, maybe, some sort of critique, I would've, but instead, I posted hipster fishgirl(because I can't think of Afro without thinking of that meme) and that his poem didn't rhyme.
I didn't say it had to rhyme, I didn't say it was good, and I didn't say that not rhyming in poems is hipster. I just said it didn't rhyme.

The entire point of my post was to let Afro know I read his poem. And I think that means more to him than any illegitimate opinion that I could've formed because I don't give even the slightest *Can'tSayThisOnTV* about any form of poetry. I read it.

That is all.

Well written with good imagery. I could easily see it as a voice over the closing scene of an asian martial arts movie, but maybe that is just my overactive imagination.
ShockSlayer said:
Poems that don't rhyme?


hailrazer said:
I like it. Very well written and expressive.

It also causes sentiment which is something I appreciate.
Thanks, Hail. :D

XCVG said:
I kept getting distracted by your avatar. If the idea was to make it sound like a Japanese poem, then it worked out quite well. Otherwise, it's just awkward. Content-wise, it's a poem. I generally don't like poems. This one's no different, but it *is* pretty well done.
Thanks for not being completely cynical! :D

D.J said:
I love it, it's so full of imagery and beautifully written.
Thanks, DJ! :D

PICKM said:
Well written with good imagery. I could easily see it as a voice over the closing scene of an asian martial arts movie, but maybe that is just my overactive imagination.
Thanks, PICKM! :D