pLover's FS/LF thread


Apparently plover is a type of bird.
I've got a lot of stuff for sale. Check back in a few days for full listings on the thread, or PM me in the mean time for information on any item

For Sale:
Multimeter - $20 (shipped)
Barely used, working perfectly

PSone screen mobo + LCD - $25 (shipped)
•BUYER BEWARE! I am about 85% sure that the screen works. I cannot, however, guarantee it, because my SNES mobos are (I'm pretty sure) fried, and I don't have any batteries. So because I can't guarantee it, I've lowered the price to $25. I don't do returns because they're a hassle, so be sure to take caution when deciding to buy it. If worse comes to worse and it doesn't work, you can probably take the LCD off and sell that to someone else for $15, maybe more.

NESp Kit - $40 (+shipping)
Includes definitely at least the mobo. Possibly with a controller, and when I bought it, I'm pretty sure it came with batteries, so I'm looking for those.

Half-finished SNESps (Yes, two of them) - $40 (+shipping) (each)
Right now, I'm trying to decide which one to sell. I'm going to sell one and use the other, myself. But they're both of equal value, so once I've decided which I'm going to keep, I'll give the full details.

I also have some other stuff, like a controller or two lying around. Ask if you're looking for something.

Pics upon request for any item. ALL SALES ARE FINAL, unless item does not come as described. And if anyone would like to haggle on the price, try. I might be willing to consider lowering prices.
Are the PSone screens fully intact, or board+LCD only? Are they LED modded?

What is the status on your "half finished" SNESp? What does it come with?

I'm not going to part with my copy of Pikmin 2, but I may be able to find a copy locally and put it up for trade.
I updated the post to answer a few of your questions. The screens aren't LED-modded, though.
Alright. I'm close to making a decision, so it shouldn't be too long, now.

I assume you are no longer interested in the PSone screens? If you'd like, I think can throw in the original casing and stuff. It just won't all be assembled together.
I am, but purchasing them together would be ideal. Also, you said all of your SNES boards are fried... does that include the boards in the portables? If so, I might pass... >.>
Well, one portable actually comes with a screen, but no mobo (It needs a RetroDuo, not a SNES) The other comes with a mobo, but no screen. I'm not sure if the mobo works or not. I could probably test stuff with my multimeter in the next few days, but right now, it's like 4 AM, and I don't even have any batteries for the thing anyway XD

EDIT: I'm also not looking for Pikmin 2 anymore, but if anyone's got anything they're willing to offer me in exchange for something I've got here, feel free to ask!
Yeah, it is his. The other is an old one of Nobble's XD

Forgot to mention, whichever one I decide to sell will come with everything I know about its wiring, what it needs to be finished, etc. But that's probably a given.
I'm leaning towards keeping Nobble's, so unless I change my mind, I'll probably be selling SS's. But I do need to ask Nobble a few things about his before I choose for sure. So for now, I'll tell you what's in SS's. It's a 3.5" screen (possibly 3"). Mono audio output, headphone jack, volume slider, many parts already in-place. It need a new RetroDuo mobo, shoulder buttons, and batteries, as well as a place for the cart slot to be relocated to, be it the top, bottom, back, whatever. And that's as much as I know. If anyone has any questions that are any more specific, I could try to figure it out, but I can't guarantee anything.
Uh, yes it is. That is, assuming it was you who sold it to me. I totally forgot who it was, but now that you mention it, I think it was you. XD

And yeah, I've still got everything it came with. I'm in Vermont, right now, though. I'm coming back tomorrow night, though, so if you want to buy it, I can try to have it in the mail by Wednesday morning. Thursday at the latest.
The NES, the batteries, and (possibly) a controller, be it untouched or modded. I think there's one more thing, but I'm forgetting what it is. I know it's not a screen, though. I can check tonight and get back to you on that.

EDIT: I forgot to mention before that, in case you didn't remember, the batteries come with the pcb and the other thing for them that you sent to me when I bought it from you the first time.