Pinout for original nes.


Frequent Poster
I need the pinouts for the original Nes.
Where to wire the battery.
And where to wire a zenith screen.
Also can I power the nes with 7.4v?
BoFoSho said:
I need the pinouts for the original Nes.
Where to wire the battery.
And where to wire a zenith screen.
Also can I power the nes with 7.4v?
Joeyjoe9876 said:
you can power it with a 5v step-down regulator that is. raw 7.4 may damage the system

An original Nes had a 10.5v power supply. I don't think 7.4v would damage it.
yes and that 10.5v power supply was fed into a 7805. so if he is planning on making a portable then it would be wise to take off the current RF box and replace it with your own video amp and voltage regulator wouldn't you think? lol
Joeyjoe9876 said:
yes and that 10.5v power supply was fed into a 7805. so if he is planning on making a portable then it would be wise to take off the current RF box and replace it with your own video amp and voltage regulator wouldn't you think? lol

How dare you accuse me of thinking.... My wife would tell you that I only do that on the 12th of Never , every 24th leap year. :lol:

Buy yea you might be right. :p
Durrrrrrrrrr Replace 7805 with a stable 5V source, bypass the regulator altogether.