Phillips mini audio amp


GameCube Révolutionary
Dunno where else to put this a mod can move it if they like.

So the other day while perusing the junk bins at Wal-Mart i found this: ... B0036TGKWE

For 5 bucks! So naturally I bought two. Took em home, ripped em apart and wired em up to test. This is what the guts look like:


The amp board is really small which is nice. Has on/off switch. Sound quality is pretty good. Speakers are smaller than the iLuv amp I used previously. Runs off 2-6v and at 3.3v draws 0.02mah. The only thing it doesn't have is a way to adjust the volume. So you'll have to install your own dual gang pot (you can see the one I used in the pic above).

If you can find these for cheap like I did. Its well worth the investment. :D