Periods of inactivity (I will have them)


Hey guys - I won't be online quite as often as I wish I could be (as you can already tell) for real life things. My girlfriend that I was with for 17 months and I broke up (AW BOO HOO). Since I was stupid and spent most of my time with her, a few other friendships have gotten rusty. Most of my summer is gonna be spent hanging out with friends (as I suppose it should be for a high schooler) and rebuilding those friendships. I know this all sounds cheesy, get off the stage, etc, but it's something I gotta do for myself. THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU'RE NOT MY REAL FRIENDS :mrgreen:

So I will be online some, but I won't be near as active as I have been the last month~ish. This also means that my GCp is on hold

^look familiar^? (only one coat of paint, don't kill me, not even close to done)

But yeah, I'll be around. Can't miss out on MR CT :dah:

And no, I did not see any other threads that have to do with good-byes/hellos. Don't tell me to search for it. I ignored it on purpose.
Good luck with your irl relationships man.

Also, nice job on the gamecube portable so far, the case kinda reminds me of the genesis for some reason.
snowpenguin said:
there's a leaving/returning members thread

Not on the first page, there isn't. Besides, I'm more important than that. Stop judging me.

Basement_Modder said:

See ya, Jidan.

Fix those GCp controls while you're gone.

They're exactly how they're supposed to be. >:l They don't fit the other way.

MR CT is ModRetro Connecticut
BoFoSho said:
I'll go out with you if that's what it takes for you to stay here.

Not the kind of fixing I'm talking about. :dah:

Joey, I don't think there's a set date for it yet...or even close, hahah. I think Beta said July sometime.
Lucky. I don't have many (read: any) IRL friends, and have never had a girlfriend. That's why I spend so much time on MR.
I hate irl. Not to say I don't have a life, but (some of) you guys are so much cooler then the people I hang out with irl. Terrible year, but maybe next year will be better.

Also, seeya Jidan.