Paul Christoforo, A Guy


Well-Known Member
He knows the mayor of Boston, who the *Can'tSayThisOnTV* do YOU think you are?

tl;dr: President of marketing company for 360 controller mod insults, belittles, and threatens a customer... then Mike Krahulik (Gabe from Penny Arcade).

It isn't his first PR debacle, either:

This man is apparently a professional at his job.

EDIT: His twitter was @OceanMarketting [sic]. He changed it to @OceanStratagy [sic]. He is also a pro speller.
Good God, I want to punch a Sega until he knows how to speak AMAREHCAN.

And then keep punching him.

A lot.
The corpses!
Oh come on, everybody up here knows Mushmouth Menino. :awesome:

That's a pretty shady company. Who sends paying customers insulting stream-of-consciousness emails when they ask legitimate questions?