Frequent Poster
The one here:
I've been having problems with this board. I don't know if it's fried or if I blew my regulator board. It no longer turned on after I tried out my custom regulators. Both had the appropriate voltages coming out. I have no idea why it quit.
I got a PAL board, so i'm letting this one go. Cut heatsink is not included.
Offers, trades, anything. WiiKey not included.
I also have a malfunctioning 3/4 OMG WTF cut DOL-001 CPU-30 board that I cut a RAM trace to, if anyone wants it.
I've been having problems with this board. I don't know if it's fried or if I blew my regulator board. It no longer turned on after I tried out my custom regulators. Both had the appropriate voltages coming out. I have no idea why it quit.
I got a PAL board, so i'm letting this one go. Cut heatsink is not included.
Offers, trades, anything. WiiKey not included.
I also have a malfunctioning 3/4 OMG WTF cut DOL-001 CPU-30 board that I cut a RAM trace to, if anyone wants it.