
ModRetro Legend

:facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:
Didn't he constantly poke fun at the DS in his n64p worklog? I'm not too sure, but why is he always breaking them? Ben's been modding for years, and should have enough experience to avoid it. Other than atari's, I don't even think he cuts his motherboards.

Of course, could just be because Ben hates the n64. Remember, he loves to put down everything nintendo anyway.
He compares his n64p to a ds on his project page, and he thinks it's real easy to fry them. I have no idea how.
I haven't fried an N64 since I was 12. :XD:

My portendo 64's mobo could've been saved, as it was just 'sleeping,' but I was sick of working on it. :p
I still need to see if my n64 is just sleeping, the cart slot is not working right, it's fried, or combinations of the above.
Not that easy, I only used 1 n64 for making the 64 boy. I didn't fry it. If it only took me one try to rcp wire and expansion pak wire then I think ben is doing something wrong or is just really unlucky. I wonder how many he fried.
Or maybe Benheck is just a flaxty portablizer now days and can only make Xbox 360 laptops.
360 laptops are mostly case work anyways, which is arguably easier than soldering. With patience, you can make anything look polished and nice.
Ben has almost no casework now, lol, since it's all just clones pretty much so he just has to cut the stuff out and screw it together.

Also, one you've done something enough times, even if you suck at everything else in the category, it becomes easier.
The above reasons are why I've more-or-less completely lost interest in Ben and his projects. What has he done the last few months, for example? Xbox 360 laptop, Bill Paxton Pinball, PS3 Slim laptop. YAWN. I like looking at his projects, but it's all the same stuff now. Nothing really new and exciting, no portabilizing worlds being conquered like in the old days.