Nifty screen


Found this: ... 966&sr=8-2

It's 16:9 and will cause stretching on most portables but judging by the pic it looks like pretty good resolution. But I can't just judge by the pic. I have no clue if anyone has ever posted this screen before but thar it is :awesome: It's also not super expensive.

It has 2 A/V inputs, and headphone outs so there's no need for a seperate amp! If anyone wants to buy this and check it out go ahead but I cant afford it right nao :cry4:
If only there was a way to make this 4:3.

Also, I wonder if this thing accepts stuff other then composite video.
Found more info at school today.

The picture is no reference to screen quality, the images are usually simulated.

The resolution is 400 X 234. Yuck.
snowpenguin said:
Found more info at school today.

The picture is no reference to screen quality, the images are usually simulated.

The resolution is 400 X 234. Yuck.

The Psone screen is 320x240 :wink:

Resolution is not everything.


Still, this screen is too wide to be easily implemented in a ZN-45 with space for controls on either side, which is a big hit to it being useful as a PSone screen replacement.

I was thinking of doing a ZN-45 ps2p, if that's possible, need to look at measurements, but this would make that quite a challenge.