Found this: ... 966&sr=8-2
It's 16:9 and will cause stretching on most portables but judging by the pic it looks like pretty good resolution. But I can't just judge by the pic. I have no clue if anyone has ever posted this screen before but thar it is
It's also not super expensive.
It has 2 A/V inputs, and headphone outs so there's no need for a seperate amp! If anyone wants to buy this and check it out go ahead but I cant afford it right nao
It's 16:9 and will cause stretching on most portables but judging by the pic it looks like pretty good resolution. But I can't just judge by the pic. I have no clue if anyone has ever posted this screen before but thar it is

It has 2 A/V inputs, and headphone outs so there's no need for a seperate amp! If anyone wants to buy this and check it out go ahead but I cant afford it right nao