New years resolution give away bonanza!


Frequent Poster
My new years thing is going to be to get rid of all this stuff I keep telling myself I will do something with one day buy never will.

I would just throw it all away but some of it is perfectly good junk! I'm not going to list it all here is how it works:

Pay for a USPS flat rate box, I will fill it till it's bursting at the seams with stuff and send it to you. I won't be making a cent, you pay exactly what it costs to ship and nothing more.
Flat rate boxes because it would be a pain to figure out shipping prices.

-I won't send you trash, if it's trash I'm throwing it away.
-The best stuff will go to the first people to buy a box.
-No guarantees as to your satisfaction, but I will do my best.
-Grand prize is a unfinished PSoneP who will get it? nobody knows! Will be random not to first people to order, or maybe it will?

If nobody wants anything it's gong to goodwill.

Offer valid in the continental US only.

EDIT: Cleaned out most of my room but keep getting lazy and ignoring my closet.
Free flax is good flax IMO. Shoot me a PM with your paypal and I'll go for a "large".
I think a better idea would be this:

I fill up some large flat rate boxes and then I will tell you guys how many I have. I write your address on a box at random and send it off! That way there cant be any favoritism or anything.

What do you think?
Its good but people are gonna wanna know what you have for example. A box of consoles and screens and games verses parts cords soldering irons tools etc. Gotta get people intrested.
I quite agree with everyone here. :tophat:

I would too like to know what's going to be in these boxes. Games? Mobos? Entire consoles? Or maybe just dander or bits of fluff.

Do tell.
Well whatever I'll let you know when I got everything sorted out and flax then. God you guys cant even take free flax without being picky.
That's the thing, I don't want free flax, I want something worth the money spent to ship it to me.
epicelite said:
Well whatever I'll let you know when I got everything sorted out and flax then. God you guys cant even take free flax without being picky.
When paying for shipping, its not entirely free.