New Nintendo Console Rumors


sweet justice
Surprised there wasn't already a thread for this here. Anyways, over the past few days, game sites have been flooded with Nintendo rumors. The new console supposedly has HD support, and is much more powerful than the 360/ps3. Backwards compatibility with the wii is rumored, as well as a mind-*Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing new controller, possibly with a touch screen. Here's the most straightforward article I could find (Gamespot likened the controller to an ipad, no one else did) . Hopefully it will be announced this month, and revealed at e3; 2012 has been picked as the release year. Obviously, no one can confirm any of this, but it sounds very interesting; the 3ds rumors weren't far off from the final product, so think what you will. I for one, shall wait in anticipation. Oh, and play my wii, cause that flax is still awesome.
If they really wanna recapture the hardcore market they should drop the gimmicky bullflax with their controllers. ._.
Correction: the Wii Remote was great. It had amazing potential until developers began to see that hey, when you slap motion control on anything, people will eat it up. What did that produce? A library consisting of 95% shovelware that nobody in their right mind would pay for. Same thing with the DS and touch control, unfortunately.

Nowadays the Wii Remote isn't even that impressive technologically when you compare it to something like the PS Move. Not that I'd buy one of those, either, but still...
That may be the case, but there are still tons of great games. on another note, I think the wii does a better job than the move. It has a really clunky setup, and the wii seems more accurate in my opinion.
Meh. I cant help but think that it will be an HD wii with much more PS move esque controllers, full 3d support, and all the same games that they keep releasing over and over. I dont care at all. And I cant help but think ninty is incapable of releasing truly powerful hardware. And passing up the PS3/360 isnt saying much, both are like 5+ years old now.
If the controllers have touchscreens as rumours suggest, I highly doubt motion control will be as extensively used as on the wii.
If it's too gimmicky, I'm not gonna bother. Sounds complicated as it is.
Controllers with touchscreens will just make them expensive. I'm already sick of paying $30 a controller, and then another $15 for a necessary controller attachment that's just 2 buttons and an analog stick. I'm sticking with my 3DS. It has more potential. Wake me up when they go back to a Dpad and 2 buttons.
Twilight Wolf said:
If they really wanna recapture the hardcore market they should drop the gimmicky bullflax with their controllers. ._.


although, to be devils advocate. The complicated stuff is what the "hardcore" audience is supposed to follow. Moms, dads, families want to just pick up the controller and play.

We hardcore gamers are supposed to the ones patient enough to figure out a controller. I remember first looking at a gamecube controller and thinking "How the Heck do you use this Dang thing." only I couldn't say "Dang" because I didn't believe in cussing at the time.

Perhaps we hardcore gamers are forgetting out place? And Nintendo is going to remind us. Just a thought.
Nintendo kinda lowered the bar when it came to hardcore games on a Nintendo console, which is why I'm kinda worried about getting a Nintendo home console.
The only new videogames I play nowadays are the new Zeldas as with that franchise, they actually figured out that the original story is good and to just change certain aspects and twist it. Unlike Pokemon, which just swaps out the characters every time and replaces all the pokemon with progressively worse and worse ones. Ragequit.
I buy nintendo consoles for first party games. That's reason enough to warrant a purchase for me. And I'm sorry, but nintendo's "gimmicks" have always been pretty innovate to me. Are four-player, rumble, analog sticks, gimmicks to you? Ninty made all of these popular. And apparently motion control is no longer a gimmick to MS and sony, although they haven't made hardly any games for their respective hardware.
And I'm sorry, but nintendo's "gimmicks" have always been pretty innovate to me. Are four-player, rumble, analog sticks, gimmicks to you? Ninty made all of these popular.[/quote]
Four player is not a gimmick. Analogue sticks and rumble motors add on to the existing standard controller.
But they were new to the industry. Analog was a new way to control, just like the wii remote was; do people consider it a gimmick? No. So what's gimmicky about motion? Did you need rumble to play? No, it just enhances gameplay. My point is that you can call anything new to the table a gimmick.
Bush said:
Analog was a new way to control
... in 1972.

Well, actually 1968?

So what's gimmicky about motion?
The way it's unnecessarily shoehorned into games it has no reason to be in except that people expect it in every title because motion controls were the Wii's main only selling point until Mario / Zelda / Mario Party / Mario Kart / Super Smash Bros / Pokemon N+1 was released.

The next Nintendo console will more than likely not deviate from their standard modus operandi. Baby steps into the future with some shiny gimmick to get kids excited, wrapped up in a cute little package with a tech demo pack-in and eventually a library full of slightly upgraded versions of the last console's first party staples. It's a very lucrative business model with minimal risk and investment, and the fans eat it up. Why should they deviate?

As for the next gen coneole, it's probably just going to be a Wii with full HD and probably 3D support. It will more than likely play Wii games (possibly dropping Gamecube disc support to cheapen and simplify the disc loading mechanism), but instead of playing backwards-compatible titles in proper HD like the Dolphin emulator can it will just upsample 480p. There will be a Virtual Console, avatars, friend codes (cheaper than a single sign on XBL/Steam model), and a gimmicky tech demo pack-in to show off the new shiny (like Wii Sports Resort was). 802.11n, Bluetooth, maybe gigabit Ethernet, and possibly a Blu-Ray disc drive if the drives are cheap enough and they need the extra space when the time comes. (But of course if it gets a Blu-Ray drive it won't play Blu-Ray movies, because that would mean licensing codecs and that costs money. Same deal with streaming services like Netflix and Amazon VOD.) There may be games that can play on the Wii but will take advantage of the new thing's enhanced capabilities (sort of like the black Game Boy cartridges) to bridge the gap between the two systems.

TLDR take the Xbox 360 and remove Xbox Live, DVD playback, Windows Media Extender, Kinect, and all network services besides multiplayer, throw a couple Wiimotes at it, maybe bump the clock speeds a little, give each player a separate number for a name, and you've got my theory as to what the next Wii will be like.