New Game Cube - Brazil!


Can someone help me write the swiss in my second wasp?
I can do this without using a slot sd gecko ??
I have to options:
2-CPU-11 and 1 CPU-10 boards
and WII .
which one can use to flash the Swiss in my Wasp?
Swiss downloaded the file Rev 280 "Game Cube Forever" when unzipped found 4 folders with various files, DOL, and ISO FZN ... which one to use to flash my Wasp ???
Thank you very much to all who help!
Thank you!
Needs to be flashed from a gecko. Plus you want to get the latest nightly build over at and use that, there are a few folders in there and one that is specific to the wii key fusion or wasp.
Amigo... Você pode ser mais claro?
Qual arquivo, de qual pasta devo usar para piscar a minha Wasp?
Tenho as pastas:
Dentro da pasta "WiikeyFusion" tem outras 3 pastas renomeadas com regiões diferentes:
Como saber qual usar na minha Wasp?
Outra pergunta...Se eu for usar o meu Wii, ainda devo usar o SD Gecko?
Você pode me explicar o procedimento mais claramente?
Muito Obrigado!
Sorry, no hablo espanol. But Google translate got some of it. Swiss has a much higher revision number than 280.
thats not espa~ol its portugues , amigo no hablo portugues pero intentere lo mejor

Você usar el arquivo de regiões de e wiikey o wasp , ISO

Duhasst0 dice usar el SDGecko busca los achivo en GC-Forever forums
e usar el regiões de su wiikey o wasp