New dingoo coming soon!!!


Frequent Poster
The dingoo A330 $104
For some odd reason the price tag seems a bit high when you can just buy a real PSP and a pandora battery for like, half of that. Maybe I'm missing the point, but ATM I don't think I'd save up that much money for one.
I'm getting one after they are "old"

Mister Shuckle , Most people don't know how to use a pandora's battery :?
The Dingoo is pointless and people's love of it is unfounded.

There are MANY superior devices for less money.
"But, But, You Have to DO STUFF to unlock or whatever a PSP duuudde! Flashcarts are bad maan!!!"
You're an idiot.
And even if you eliminate handhelds like the PSP and the DS, guess what, THERE ARE STILL CHEAPER AND BETTER DEVICES THAT'LL RUN HOMEBREW WITHOUT MODIFICATION.
GP2X, more powerful than EITHER Dingoo.
About the same price right now.

Or the logical route A *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ING PSP.
If you have Tech Knowledge or Money?

It's INCREDIBLY easy to install Custom Firmware on a PSP.
My dyslexic friend who needs my help starting his car sometimes DID IT ON HIS OWN IN LESS THAN 20 FULL MINUTES.

And Money?
I'm sorry, but an original Phat PSP (THE BEST PSP) can be had for well less than this new Dingoo costs.
jleemero said:
If you have Tech Knowledge or Money?

It's INCREDIBLY easy to install Custom Firmware on a PSP.
My dyslexic friend who needs my help starting his car sometimes DID IT ON HIS OWN IN LESS THAN 20 FULL MINUTES.

And Money?
I'm sorry, but an original Phat PSP (THE BEST PSP) can be had for well less than this new Dingoo costs.

I bought a nearly mint PSP fat for $40, CFW'd it in about 20 minutes.
I bought one more than a year ago for about $100 with plans to CFW it myself. Turns out it was already CFW'd with the most recent M33 firmware when I got it. "Better than described!" is what I left as feedback for the guy. ;)
About the Dingoo, I'm wondering if this one will be able to emulate the psone at all. I want psone games on the go, but without the screen stretch or bars that you get on the psp. Moar, I just want a different device so that I can stand out from the massive PSP crowd. :lol:
Even if it was capable of so, I doubt a homebrew emulator could compete with Sony's emulator.
Hey, I know the topic is getting a bit derailed, so I'd like to ask; what firmware are you guys using? And as far as you know, will it emulate psone okay on your firmware? I'm still using 3.71 M33.