need help with creating a n64p with a gba sp with gba slot

hey wazzup lol ok ok i am trying to create a n64p with a gba sp. i would also like for da gba sp to play the gba and gameboy compatible games. i would also like it to play my n64 games tooo :3 omg i just repeated myself lol. i havent gotten started yet on it. i do have an n64,gba sp,64 controllers,gamecube controllers. but id rather use the 64 joystik. any help would be useful thnx :awesome: :mrgreen:
Well, you'll need the A/V in game for the SP, and wire that up pin by pin to one side of 25-ish SP-DT slide switches, than wire the middle of all the switches to the pins of the cart slot, than wire the cart slot to the other side of the switches. Now superglue a toothpick or something accross all the switch heads so they act as one switch. Now wire up the N64p like normal to the A/V in thing, and for power, wire a ti card to step down the voltage for the GBA (4v will suffice), and get a DP-DT on(off)on switch for power and read diagrams n' flax for that.
If you didn't understand that: Basically, you can't just get a gbasp to play n64 games. You can have the tv input so you can play a n64 on the screen, though. To do that, you need to wire every single pin on the cart slot to the tv in game thingy with a switch on each one, to turn them off so the cart slot can be used for gbasp games. (So, you still need a n64)
Alternatively, he could get a normal gameboy advance and a transverter/converter and put that in with an N64p.