Need a new used cell phone.

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I need a phone I can use on verizon that has a full keyboard, that I can get cheaply used. Like, <$75. I also can't pay for any extra data plans, needs to run on the bare minimum family plan with texting.

Anyone know of any particular phones that fit the bill?
I was looking at the env2, does anyone know if you need to have an extra data plan to use it? The env3 apparently requires one.
It should not require one if you buy it used. It is a good phone, a certain girl I know has one, and manages to send 10,000 or so txts a month with no stress, it has a nice keyboard.
I have an env2 and it's great. I send a billion text messages a month (only hyperbolizing a little). It's pretty sturdy too. It has some weight to it and you can drop it a million times and it won't break. I don't think the env3 needs a data plan unless you get internet for it. My sis has an env3 and we didn't need to pay any extra for it. I don't like the env3 as much though because it's feather light.
Could somebody move this to the junkyard? I'm looking for a phone, not people telling me what phone I should get :neutral2:
You fail at phones if you keep breaking them.

Also, get the Samsung Impression.
First phone died from manufacturer error.

Same phone after being fixed got wet.

flax happens.

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