Okay guys, im new here so please be nice when telling me how bad my ideas are
. So after looking through all these awesome portables that everyone has made i cam across a thought. What if you made a n64 portable, but instead of building it out of a n64, just make it with parts like a computer, but only the small parts that would be needed to run a n64 emulator. i know what your saying, cant you just home-brew a psp or put the emulator on a ipod touch? Most of these emulators are hard to find, hard to get working, hard to find roms for, or run slow. And also that takes all the fun out of the project.
Basically this would be just like the a320 or the mn2014, but instead of playing NES/SNES games, it would play n64 games, and most likely be bigger. If planned properly though, i believe this could be achieved without being as big as some n64 portables out there, and most likely easier to achieve a comfortable handheld that plays n64 titles. If its possible to put a n64 on your phone and ipod, then i think we could make a handheld n64 emulator. Yet, I'm not as skilled as you guys, so tell me your opinion and knowledge you have obtained from the experiences i do not have.

Basically this would be just like the a320 or the mn2014, but instead of playing NES/SNES games, it would play n64 games, and most likely be bigger. If planned properly though, i believe this could be achieved without being as big as some n64 portables out there, and most likely easier to achieve a comfortable handheld that plays n64 titles. If its possible to put a n64 on your phone and ipod, then i think we could make a handheld n64 emulator. Yet, I'm not as skilled as you guys, so tell me your opinion and knowledge you have obtained from the experiences i do not have.