N64 Batteries

I'd personally go with a different set of batteries. Get some 7.4v batteries, 12v is too big for an N64p.

What do you mean your screen only runs off of 12v? What kind is it? You should be able to give it 7.4v. If not, bypass the screens regulator and give it 5v.
The screen probably has 12v for compatibility with the car's 12v supply.

For batteries, you may look into getting a battery shop to do them custom for you (if you're looking to spend the money). The cells that shops get tend to be higher quality and will last longer.
I got an impressively large pack, 8.4v, running my PS2 for several hours. That was under $60 (however I gave them a smaller 8.4v pack to build off of). They did a great job, even did a custom wiring job for me so that I can use the charger designed for the original pack.

12.99 seems suspiciously low.
SonyQrio said:
I'd personally go with a different set of batteries. Get some 7.4v batteries, 12v is too big for an N64p.

What do you mean your screen only runs off of 12v? What kind is it? You should be able to give it 7.4v. If not, bypass the screens regulator and give it 5v.
12v is perfectly fine for a N64p. It has 12v coming straight out of the power brick :wink:

Personally, I'd go with some quality batteryspace cells. Those you linked to are awful. Huge, clunky, low capacity, slow charging, the list goes on and on. Stay far away from those. You should try your screen on 7.4v and if it turns on, congratulations you only need 7.4v batteries.
onthisfuelcalled said:
pushing the boundaries of portable?

Not really. Lead acid has low memory effect, and they won't cost as much as Li poly or the sort. Plus I've got the space to use 'em.
bud said:
Those you linked to are awful. Huge, clunky, low capacity, slow charging, the list goes on and on. Stay far away from those. You should try your screen on 7.4v and if it turns on, congratulations you only need 7.4v batteries.

This is my point. I mean 12v batteries are bigger, bulkier, and take longer to charge. A large price to pay for excess voltage.
Thank you for all the help. Ill try it on 7.4v and hopefully it works. The only reason i linked to them is i live in Australia and we dont have such a great range of battery stores, expecially where i live.