My neighborhood is flooding. National Guard is here.Fun nite


Text conversation

Me: 3/4 of the neighborhood is blocked off and its about to be more
Him: Oh Dang
Me: Yeah that lake is a lot bigger and in peoples houses now (from a phone conversation. It used to be a cul-de-sac)
Him: But you guys are k right?
Me: Yup. Good day for fishing.
Him: I lol'd
Me: Waters coming out of manholes
Him: Crap. Its poopwater
Me: Lol nah but man this is crazy dozens of houses flooding
Him: Wow. flax is crazy. People are dying from flooding (actually happened on the interstate)!...well time to go play fallout :D
Me: Hahah
Me: House fire too. Saying hi to the guard.
Him: Wowreally? Take a picture with the guard
Me: Took a pic of them already lol
Him: woooot
Him: So you know, I've been thinking about how ironic this is. I mean we just got done watching the day after tomarrow, and now we're watching an inconvenient truth, which said how global warming affects flooding and tornado occurances, which we have both of. Its kinda making me thing of how much of an affect we really have on the environment. Maybe we're to blame for this floo- HOLY *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ING flaxT I FOUND AN M&M THAT'S A PERFECT SPHERE
Me: You ass. I just lol'd hard in front of the sheriff and other people trying to help.
Him: .lololololol

So yeah. My neighborhood is flooding. Fast. And it's around Middle Tennessee a lot. Hopefully it doesn't dip down to Georgia or South Carolina, or anywhere else you guys may live. It's awful, and it's expected to probably get worse tomorrow. I was watching the news and on the interstate a HOUSE was floating down it. Then the roof got ripped off the house and it sank. :?
I can't explain this to you guys. It's so crazy. Seriously, dozens of houses are having their first floors start filling up with water. Thank god I'm on the highest part of the neighborhood. I'll likely be spending tomorrow helping people in the rest of the neighborhood. Dang, what I wouldn't do for a boat right now..
Cardboard doesn't float all that well. And that's all I have. Unless......who needs a bed anyway?
These aren't very good pictures, but once more pop up on Facebook I will post them here.


I will never get flooded out because my part of the county is up on top of a great big few mile wide hill. So I laugh at all
We've got a little bit more than a few puddles on my street. Next street over is underwater. Allllllllllright. Hahah.
epicelite said:
Yeah cus sand is so good at stopping water, lol silly people who do that, :P
because it works. :shock:

am i the only one who would be running around playing paintball or something?
People have been canoeing for a long time today, apparently. My mom has a picture of some people riding jet skis :lol:
technicaly some of our city could flood if there was a week storm and our five or six dams broke.

But that'd just make the river bigger.






I've been helping people with water damage all day. Had to tear up floors, drywall, had to go under the houses and get insulation, etc etc etc TONS of random stuff. The entire street that was underwater, including under people's houses and one house that had 20 inches of water downstairs had TONS of water damage. Another had 6 feet of water. The worst part is that NO ONE around here has any insurance coverage on flood damage.
J.D said:
The worst part is that NO ONE around here has any insurance coverage on flood damage.

It hasn't flooded in like, 40 years. No one thought they'd need it and insurance doesn't go, "hey, you're in a flood plain, want some?" because we're NOT in a floodplain
Jidan said:
J.D said:
The worst part is that NO ONE around here has any insurance coverage on flood damage.

It hasn't flooded in like, 40 years. No one thought they'd need it and insurance doesn't go, "hey, you're in a flood plain, want some?" because we're NOT in a floodplain

Would you like to buy some volcano insurance?

JK. Man that really sucks.